There have been major changes at Central Okanagan Regional District meetings, with two members stepping down to pursue other opportunities, and a surprise shakeup for Kelowna. Kelowna Coun. Loyal Wooldridge is stepping down as regional district board chairman to position himself as the NDP candidate in the riding of Kelowna Centre for the upcoming provincial election. West Kelowna Coun. Stephen Johnston has also decided to step down from his seat on the regional board after being named as the BC United Party candidate for the riding of West Kelowna-Peachland.

In addition to these voluntary changes, Kelowna’s representation on the board has also shifted. Previously, Couns. Ron Cannan, Gord Lovegrove, and Mohini Singh were the city’s representatives, but they have been replaced by Couns. Luke Stack, Rick Webber, and Maxine DeHart. Despite stepping down as chairperson, Coun. Wooldridge has been appointed back to the board by the mayor. The decisions regarding appointments to committees and the board ultimately rest with the mayor, although some board members voted against the shift, according to meeting minutes.

Efforts to contact the mayor, Couns. Lovegrove, and Cannan to gain more insight into the changes were unsuccessful, as they were attending a meeting in Kamloops. Coun. Singh was unable to attend the meeting where the change was announced due to a medical issue. Singh expressed surprise at losing her seat on the board but is happy to serve as an alternate. She emphasized her dedication to the regional district and her commitment to representing the interests of Kelowna. Singh, along with Lovegrove and Cannan, will lose a significant stipend with the change in assignments, as board member salaries show a stipend of $17,300 in 2022.

The changes at the Central Okanagan Regional District meetings have resulted in a reshuffling of positions and representation, with two members stepping down to pursue other opportunities. Coun. Wooldridge’s decision to step down as chairperson to pursue a political career has led to the need for a new chairperson to be elected by regional board members. The shifts in representation for Kelowna have led to the replacement of three city representatives on the board with new appointees selected by the mayor.

Despite some board members voting against the changes, ultimately appointments to committees and the board are within the purview of the mayor. The inability to reach the mayor and other board members for further information on the changes has left some questions unanswered. Coun. Singh, who was unable to attend the meeting where the changes were announced, expressed surprise at losing her seat but remains dedicated to serving as an alternate and representing the interests of Kelowna. The financial impact of the changes, including a decrease in stipends for those affected, has been noted based on the latest available salary information for board members.

Overall, the recent developments at Central Okanagan Regional District meetings suggest a period of transition and realignment within the organization. The voluntary departures of two members for other opportunities and the subsequent reorganization of representation in Kelowna have led to changes in leadership and roles. While some board members have expressed reservations about the shifts, the ultimate authority lies with the mayor in appointing members to committees and the board. The commitment of the members, including those who have lost their seats, to serving the regional district and protecting the interests of Kelowna remains strong despite the changes in positions and stipends.

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