Blockchain security platform CertiK recently uncovered a Telegram vulnerability that allows hackers to deploy a remote code execution (RCE) attack through specially crafted media files. This vulnerability was described as high-risk, as it allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on a remote device. The attack was found to be exclusive to Telegram’s desktop version and not present in its mobile applications. Following CertiK’s discovery, the official Telegram X account disputed the claim, stating that there was no vulnerability in their system and that the issue was likely fake. Some users also expressed that the issue was not new to the platform.

This is not the first time that CertiK has reported security issues related to Telegram. In the past, the security firm warned users about Telegram bot tokens that could potentially be exit scams. Additionally, in 2021, a Shielder security research report revealed a similar remote media-related attack on the messaging app that allowed hackers to access media files shared in various chats. The Telegram security team addressed these issues promptly. In May 2023, a Google engineer discovered a bug that enabled attackers to activate the camera and microphone on laptops running MacOS software. Despite these setbacks, Telegram has continued to address security concerns and improve its platform.

CertiK’s discovery of the Telegram vulnerability coincides with the platform’s consideration of a possible debut on Wall Street through an initial public offering (IPO). With over 900 million users and a preliminary valuation of $90 billion, Telegram is seen as a valuable asset for public listing. CEO Pavel Durov expressed the importance of democratizing access to Telegram’s value through an IPO. However, before venturing into Wall Street, Telegram must address concerns regarding its association with the dark web. The app has been labeled as a hotbed for organized criminals, with reports of illicit transactions and extremist content being facilitated through the platform.

Despite its challenges, Telegram has taken steps to improve its security and user monetization strategies. The platform has recently adopted cryptocurrencies for in-app ad purchases, further expanding its revenue streams. However, Telegram’s alleged ties to the Kremlin and its reputation as a platform used by criminals could be a major concern for potential investors. It remains to be seen how Telegram will navigate these issues and whether its security setbacks will impact its plans for a Wall Street debut. With its growing user base and strong financial performance, Telegram continues to position itself as a key player in the social media and messaging industry.

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