Former President Donald Trump did not impress top CEOs at a Business Roundtable meeting, with attendees criticizing his lack of focus and meandering speech. Trump was unable to explain his policy proposals, including tax cuts and reducing business regulations, to the CEOs. Many attendees who were initially supportive of Trump left the meeting less inclined to support him. Trump’s energy at the meeting was subdued compared to his more animated meetings with House Republicans earlier in the day.

Trump’s plan to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21% to 20% was met with skepticism from some CEOs, who were unimpressed with his reasoning that 20% was a round number. The lack of detail and substance in Trump’s remarks left many CEOs shaking their heads in disbelief. The business community has been concerned about President Joe Biden’s antitrust enforcement, pharmaceutical price caps, and progressive tax policies over the past three years.

Despite meeting with House Republicans and receiving applause, Trump’s lackluster performance at the Business Roundtable event may have been deliberate to create a more informal business meeting atmosphere. The attendees felt that Trump was unable to connect with them and failed to provide meaningful insights into his policy proposals. Trump’s failure to impress the CEOs may have further eroded support for him among the business community.

The CEOs in attendance were granted anonymity to speak freely about the private event, allowing reports to surface about Trump’s lack of preparation and unclear policy proposals. Trump’s energy and engagement were notably subdued compared to his previous meetings, raising questions about his ability to connect with the business community. The lack of applause for Trump during the meeting highlighted the disconnect between the former president and the CEOs in the room.

The skepticism and criticism from the CEOs towards Trump’s performance at the meeting underscored concerns about his ability to lead and implement effective policies. The lack of detail and substance in Trump’s remarks left many attendees questioning his understanding of the issues and his proposed solutions. Trump’s failure to impress the top CEOs at the Business Roundtable event may have a lasting impact on his support among business leaders and the broader corporate community.

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