The center-right coalition has expressed satisfaction with Italy’s renewed credibility and reliability on the global stage, as evidenced by the success of the Italian presidency of the G7. They are in agreement on various international issues, including the crisis in the Middle East and the conflict in Ukraine. While they support Kiev, they are opposed to any military interventions beyond the borders of Ukraine. The coalition leaders have reaffirmed their unity and commitment to continuing their work throughout the legislative term, implementing the reforms outlined and fulfilling the program voted on by citizens.

The center-right coalition has promised a serious and balanced approach to the next budget law, with a focus on reducing taxes, supporting youth, families, and natalism, as well as providing assistance to businesses that are hiring. They are determined to maintain their priorities and ensure the stability and effectiveness of government action. The leaders have renewed their coalition agreement, which they see as the foundation for their governance.

The coalition has reiterated its support for Kiev in the conflict in Ukraine but is against any military interventions outside of Ukrainian borders. This stance was made clear in a joint statement released after the summit at Palazzo Chigi. The leaders are committed to a diplomatic approach and are determined to avoid any escalation of military conflict in the region. They believe in the importance of maintaining stability and security in the area while respecting international agreements.

A discrepancy arose when the Lega party inadvertently sent out a different version of the joint note, specifically concerning the Ukraine situation. While the initial version showcased unity on various issues, including foreign policy, the Lega note included an additional statement emphasizing their opposition to any military actions outside of Ukraine. This discrepancy was quickly rectified, and all versions were ultimately aligned in their messaging.

Overall, the coalition leaders have painted a positive picture, citing encouraging macroeconomic data and highlighting the successful growth in employment. They are dedicated to continuing their work and fulfilling the promises made to voters. The coalition emphasizes the importance of their partnership and the effectiveness it brings to their governance. They are committed to delivering on their agenda and ensuring the success and stability of their administration through collaboration and unity.

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