A mischievous child in Brooklyn was reported missing on Thursday morning after leaving for school but never reaching his destination. His parents called 911 when they realized he was missing. The child was described as wearing an orange tie, and police issued an alert to help locate him. A news chopper from CBS 2 was dispatched to cover the story at a Sheepshead Bay apartment complex where the child was last seen.

As the CBS helicopter hovered above the apartment complex, aerial journalist Dan Rice spotted a boy on the roof who matched the description of the missing child. The child was lounging in a chair on the roof, playing on his iPad. Rice zoomed in with the camera and confirmed that the child was indeed the missing boy. CBS contacted the NYPD, and police officers were sent to the roof to bring the child down. The boy, who appeared to be about nine years old, was taken into custody by the police and reunited with his mother.

The child’s neighbor later revealed that he had seen the boy on the roof earlier in the morning while he was having coffee with his wife. He assumed that the boy had permission to be on the roof, as it was a community space with a swinging bench. The neighbor did not initially realize that the child was considered missing. This incident was a unique experience for Rice, who mentioned that it was the first time he had been involved in finding a missing child while on the job.

The child’s parents were likely relieved to have their son safely returned to them after the ordeal. The boy’s activities for the day were unclear, as it was unknown if he was scheduled to attend classes or a summer program. However, the neighborhood expressed relief at the happy ending to the missing child incident. Rice mentioned that finding the child and being able to help reunite him with his parents was a gratifying experience for him.

Overall, the incident involving the missing child in Brooklyn ended happily with the boy being found safe on the roof of his apartment building. The quick actions of his parents, the police, and the news chopper from CBS 2 all played a role in ensuring the child’s safe return. The heartwarming story highlights the importance of staying vigilant and working together as a community to ensure the safety of children.

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