Many within the circles of Pedro Sánchez seem to have moved on from the episode where he nearly resigned, with little mention of it in internal meetings and only occasional joking. The recent victory of the socialist party in the Catalan elections has boosted morale and given Sánchez a platform to reclaim his position. Despite the upcoming European elections being seen as a challenge for the party, the success in Catalonia has shifted the focus and given the government a strong political backing. Sánchez, confident after the victory in Catalonia, is now focusing on rallying the progressive voters to counter the rise of the far-right in Europe.

The political landscape has been redefined by the outcome of the Catalan elections, with the socialist party gaining significant ground and the independence movement losing its majority. This result has bolstered Sánchez and his team, providing them with a political mandate that could carry them through the European elections and beyond. The internal debate within the ERC, a key ally of Sánchez, remains a concern, but overall, the government is optimistic about maintaining stability in the coming months. Sánchez’s recent assertiveness and focus on the progressive agenda reflect a return to his previous form, leaving behind the episode of doubt and vulnerability that briefly clouded his leadership.

The upcoming European elections are crucial for Sánchez in shaping the future of Europe, with the rise of the far-right posing a significant threat. Sánchez aims to mobilize progressive voters by highlighting the potential consequences of an ultranationalist Europe, one that goes against principles of social justice, feminism, and democracy. Through a planned speech in Congress, Sánchez intends to articulate the importance of these elections and the potential impact of a shift towards the far-right in European institutions. The possibility of a Europe dominated by the far-right is a real concern that requires a strong progressive response.

The focus on the European elections serves as a strategic move for Sánchez to frame the debate around key issues facing Europe, such as social justice, economic policies, and human rights. By highlighting the contrast between the progressive values upheld by the socialist party and the regressive agenda of the far-right, Sánchez seeks to draw clear distinctions for voters. The upcoming debate in Congress will provide an opportunity for Sánchez to set the tone for the campaign and address the challenges posed by the opposition, who are keen on shifting the narrative towards a referendum on his leadership.

As the government moves forward, the priority remains on navigating the path ahead and establishing a solid legislative agenda. The focus on issues such as the mutualization of debt, state of welfare, immigration policies, and recognition of Palestinian statehood demonstrate Sánchez’s commitment to advancing a progressive agenda at both national and European levels. The upcoming European elections will serve as a litmus test for the socialist party’s strategy and the potential outcomes for the government’s future direction. With a renewed sense of confidence following the victory in Catalonia, Sánchez and his team are poised to tackle the challenges ahead and consolidate their position in the political landscape.

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