Carson Daly recently revealed his secret to a successful marriage with his wife, Siri Pinter, is through “sleep divorce,” where they go to bed in different rooms. He shared that they both secretly love this arrangement and find it beneficial for their relationship. They do not do it all the time, but a couple of days during the week, especially when Daly wants to watch hockey, they sleep separately. The couple, who have been together since 2005 and married in 2015, have a mindset of doing whatever it takes to stay together for the rest of their lives.

Their practice of “sleep divorcing” began in 2019 when they welcomed their fourth child and realized that their sleep habits were not compatible, especially because Daly has sleep apnea. He humorously described their nights together as akin to a commercial with them kicking each other and getting no sleep. They came to the conclusion that it was best to sleep separately during Pinter’s third trimester of pregnancy, and they both agreed that it was the right decision for their family. They also have three other children together, and it seems that their unconventional sleeping arrangement has served their marriage well.

Daly has openly shared about his admiration for his wife, who is a cookbook author, and their shared love for cooking. Their oldest son, Jackson, has taken a liking to cooking as well and has shown skill in outdoors cooking, such as making campfire steaks. Daly has mentioned that his wife is the main cook in the family and has expressed his appreciation for her culinary skills and their son’s passion for cooking. The couple seems to place a significant emphasis on family time and shared activities, such as cooking together, which likely contributes to their strong bond.

Their approach to their marriage is one of prioritizing staying together and doing whatever it takes to maintain a healthy and happy relationship. Daly has mentioned that their goal is to be together until the end of their lives and that they are committed to this mindset. The couple seems to have found a method that works for them, even if it involves unconventional practices like sleeping in separate rooms a few days a week. By being open and willing to adapt to each other’s needs, they are ensuring that their marriage remains strong and fulfilling for both of them.

As a public figure, Daly has been included in People’s 2023 Sexiest Man Alive issue and has used the platform to speak positively about his wife and family. He has shared about their love for cooking and family time, highlighting the joy they find in sharing these activities together. By openly discussing their relationship and the methods they use to strengthen it, Daly and Pinter are setting an example of communication, compromise, and prioritizing each other’s needs in a marriage. Their approach to “sleep divorce” may seem unconventional to some, but it is a testament to their commitment to doing whatever it takes to ensure the longevity of their relationship.

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