Caroline Stanbury, star of Real Housewives of Dubai, opened up about her struggles with trying to have a baby at the age of 48. She is currently undecided on whether she wants to try to get pregnant or explore other options such as surrogacy to have a child with her husband, Sergio Carrallo, whom she married in December 2021. Despite her doctor’s belief that she may be able to carry one more child and feeling the healthiest she has ever been, Caroline admits that moving forward with having another baby at her age is a difficult decision.

Caroline shares three children, daughter Yasmine, 18, and twins Zack and Aaron, 14, with her ex-husband. She believes that Sergio would be a great father and deserves to experience fatherhood. While she acknowledges the challenges, she also feels better prepared now as she knows exactly what to expect from raising a child. Despite her children advising against her carrying a baby due to health risks, Caroline remains optimistic about the possibility of expanding their family.

Caroline and Sergio have started the IVF process and currently have one embryo, which Caroline refers to as a “baby boy on ice.” Sergio is already thinking about another round of IVF in the future to try for more embryos. Caroline suggested the possibility of using an egg donor if the IVF process is unsuccessful, but Sergio is hesitant as he wants their baby to be biologically related to both of them. They are also exploring the option of finding a surrogate to carry their child, which has brought about a new set of questions and uncertainties for Caroline.

The idea of having a baby at this stage in her life means that while her eldest daughter is going to university, Caroline would be dealing with diapers once again. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, Caroline hopes to inspire others by showing that it is possible to start a new chapter in life, even at the age of 48. She acknowledges that the road ahead may be paved with obstacles and difficult decisions, but she remains positive and hopeful that she can ultimately fulfill her dream of expanding her family.

Caroline’s candidness about her fertility struggles and journey towards potentially having another child at the age of 48 has resonated with many people. Her openness about considering different options such as surrogacy and IVF showcases the complexity and emotional weight that comes with trying to have a baby later in life. Caroline’s determination to pursue different avenues for expanding her family and her willingness to share her story may serve as a source of hope and inspiration for others facing similar challenges.

As Caroline and Sergio continue to navigate the complexities of fertility treatments, surrogacy, and potentially having another child, they are faced with difficult decisions and uncertainties. Their ongoing conversations about the best way to expand their family while considering the health risks and emotional toll on everyone involved highlight the complexity of fertility journeys. Caroline’s journey serves as a reminder that starting a family later in life may come with its own set of challenges, but with determination, open communication, and a supportive partner, it is possible to pursue one’s dream of having a child.

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