This weekend’s aurora borealis light shows are offering photographers a chance to capture amazing images using their iPhones. The long-exposure feature built into the iPhone camera allows users to take shots that give the impression of motion in a still image. This feature works on any iPhone launched after the iPhone 6, and it uses Live Photos to analyze movement and blur it while keeping still objects in focus. This allows users to capture long-exposure images without the need for a tripod or filters.

To take advantage of the long-exposure feature on the iPhone, photographers should look for scenes that have both static and moving elements. Waterfalls, bodies of water, and busy city streets are great subjects to experiment with. Live Photos must be activated to capture the movement required for a long-exposure image. Keeping the iPhone as steady as possible while taking the Live photo is essential for the best results. Taking multiple shots and selecting the most stable one increases the chances of capturing an attractive long exposure.

To transform a Live image into a long exposure, photographers can open the image in the gallery app and select the option to create a long exposure. The movement in the shot will be blurred into a dreamy effect, creating a stunning image. Users can zoom in to ensure that the image remains sharp and apply the long exposure to other photos of the same scene. If using an older version of iOS, the long-exposure effect can be accessed through the Effects panel. Additionally, photographers can make long-exposure photos from existing Live images by going back and applying the effect to previously taken shots.

The long-exposure feature on the iPhone allows photographers to capture stunning images without the need for specialized equipment. By utilizing Live Photos and understanding what makes a good long-exposure shot, photographers can create unique and artistic images. Whether capturing the Northern Lights or experimenting with different scenes, the iPhone’s long-exposure capability provides an easy and accessible way to enhance photography skills and create visually striking photos. With the ability to apply the effect to existing images, photographers have endless possibilities to explore and create captivating long-exposure photos.

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