Health Minister Karl Lauterbach of the SPD had a planned visit to the Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium in Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood to discuss the legalization of cannabis with students. However, the students had challenging questions for him, questioning the logic behind the legalization for 18-year-olds when brain development is not complete until 25. Lauterbach defended the legalization as a way to protect young people from consuming unsafe, black-market cannabis. Students also questioned the process of measuring THC levels in cannabis for different age groups and the overall implementation of the law.

The students continued to challenge Lauterbach on various aspects of the legalization law, pointing out potential flaws and inconsistencies. They raised concerns about the lack of specific details in the law and questioned whether it was more of a political move than a carefully considered policy. Lauterbach, feeling slightly exasperated, defended the law by emphasizing the need to address the risks associated with cannabis consumption. He also clarified that the law aimed to reduce the dangers of cannabis use rather than promote or enable it.

Despite the students’ persistent questioning and criticisms, Lauterbach stood by the legalization law and its intentions to protect young people from the risks associated with black-market cannabis. He highlighted the importance of regulations in reducing the harmful impacts of cannabis consumption and emphasized that the legislation was a necessary step in addressing the existing issues. The students continued to challenge Lauterbach on the lack of comprehensive education and support for young people in making informed decisions about cannabis use.

As the discussion drew to a close, Lauterbach appeared weary but determined to address the students’ concerns. He sought feedback on the school’s previous education on drug prevention and seemed surprised to learn about the existing programs. The exchange highlighted the importance of ongoing education and dialogue around substance use among young people. Despite the tensions and disagreements, the discussion provided a valuable opportunity for students to voice their opinions and engage with a government official on a critical public health issue.

In conclusion, the dialogue between Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and the students at Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium underscored the complexities and challenges surrounding the legalization of cannabis. The students’ critical questions and concerns highlighted the importance of thorough consideration and education in shaping drug policies that prioritize public health and safety. The exchange served as a reminder of the need for open communication and collaboration between policymakers and young people in addressing complex societal issues such as drug regulation.

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