Law enforcement in Mexico have denied the allegations made against a resort in Cancun that two college girls from Oklahoma State University were poisoned or drugged. The head of the State Attorney General’s office stated that an investigation found neither of the students had drugs in their system, and the case was classified as simple alcohol consumption, with no drug dealing or use of fentanyl involved. Photos shared by one of the girls, Zara Hull, and her family showed them becoming unconscious after drinking water at a poolside bar, leading to a hospital visit where the nightmare continued to unfold. Hull’s boyfriend’s mother expressed fears that the girls were potentially targeted for trafficking or organ harvesting, but local authorities discovered the girls were not in Cancun and their drug tests came back clean.

The allegations made by the families have caught the attention of the State Secretary of Tourism, who called it a rare and strange situation being investigated. The families were contacted through the consulate, but there was no response or formal complaint filed about the incident. The Caribbean Business Coordinating Council of Quintana Roo has also gotten involved, urging establishments to monitor the alcohol consumption of their customers to prevent similar incidents. Hull was eventually flown out of Mexico to Dallas after hours of negotiation with the U.S. Embassy, and her family refused to disclose the name of the resort or hospital due to legal and privacy concerns.

Local authorities in Mexico have dismissed the claims made by two college girls who alleged they were drugged or poisoned at a resort in Cancun. They conducted an investigation that found no drugs in the girls’ systems, and the incident was classified as a likely drunken night with symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Despite the families’ concerns of trafficking or organ harvesting, no formal complaint was ever filed, leading to skepticism about the veracity of the claims. The Caribbean Business Coordinating Council of Quintana Roo has advised establishments to monitor their guests to prevent overindulgence in alcohol, which could result in legal liability for the businesses.

The case has raised questions about the authenticity of the girls’ claims and the response from both the local authorities and the families involved. The lack of formal complaints or responses to inquiries from Mexican officials has generated suspicion about the circumstances surrounding the incident. The State Secretary of Tourism emphasized the need for proper investigation and reporting of such cases, but without more information from the families, the situation remains unclear. The reluctance to provide details or file complaints has led to doubts about the credibility of the allegations made against the resort in Cancun.

While the families of the girls have not responded to requests for comment, the involvement of the U.S. Embassy in negotiating medical treatment for one of the girls highlights the international implications of the incident. The secrecy surrounding the case, with details about the resort and hospital being withheld, adds to the mystery and skepticism surrounding the incident. The reluctance to share information with officials or the media raises questions about the motives behind the allegations and the veracity of the claims made by the families. The ongoing investigation by local authorities and the Caribbean Business Coordinating Council of Quintana Roo will be crucial in determining the truth behind the disturbing incident in Cancun.

The response from Mexican authorities, the State Secretary of Tourism, and the Caribbean Business Coordinating Council of Quintana Roo highlights the seriousness with which they are treating the allegations, despite the lack of formal complaints or evidence supporting the claims. The focus on monitoring alcohol consumption in tourist establishments reflects a proactive approach to preventing similar incidents in the future. The involvement of international agencies like the U.S. Embassy underscores the importance of cooperation between countries in addressing issues of public safety and security for tourists. As more details about the incident emerge, it will be essential to ensure transparency and accountability in addressing the concerns raised by the families and investigating the incident thoroughly to determine the facts and implications for the safety of travelers in Mexico.

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