Joël Lapointe from Quebec, Canada, stumbled upon what could potentially be a crater left behind by an ancient space rock while investigating the Côte-Nord region ahead of a camping trip using Google Maps. Lapointe found a pit that he found unusual using the satellite feature on Google Maps. After discovering this strange pit, Lapointe decided to investigate further and contacted French geophysicist Pierre Rochette, who believed the find could be a rare discovery. Rochette received samples from the site and found that at least one contained zircon, a mineral that undergoes transformation in the event of a meteor impact. Further research is being conducted to find more definitive answers about this potentially rare discovery.

The study of impact craters, such as the one potentially discovered by Lapointe, allows scientists to better understand the past, present, and future of collisions across the solar system. Tara Hayden, a postdoctoral associate at Western University’s department of Earth sciences, explained that impact craters provide a link between Earth and the outside universe. There have been a total of 200 confirmed impact craters found so far, with 31 discovered in Canada according to Gordon Osinski, an Earth sciences professor at Western University. Osinski mentioned that while many geologists are on the hunt for discoveries like this one, true discoveries are very rare.

One notable aspect of impact craters is that they can help determine when space rocks were delivered to Earth. The discovery of these craters can provide valuable information about the history of collisions within the solar system. Scientists hope that further research into the potential impact crater found by Lapointe will shed light on its origins and composition. The next step for Osinski and his team involves potentially heading to the site in order to gather more information and conduct a more thorough investigation to confirm the nature of the discovery.

Discoveries like the potential impact crater found by Lapointe are significant as they contribute to our understanding of the Earth’s history and the impact of extraterrestrial objects on the planet. With the help of advanced technology such as Google Earth, researchers are able to identify potential structures that may be of interest for further investigation. The excitement surrounding the potential discovery highlights the importance of continued exploration and research in uncovering new information about the Earth and its geological past. The rarity of such discoveries further emphasizes the need for careful study and analysis to confirm the nature of unique findings like this one.

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