Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland initially refused to condemn the slogans celebrating the October 7, 2023 terrorist attack on Israel as hate speech. She pleaded ignorance when asked by a reporter if the chants such as “long live October 7th” and “October 7th proves we’re almost free” bellowed by anti-Israel protesters during a weekend demonstration in Ottawa constituted hate speech. However, her stance changed after she watched a video of the demonstration where hundreds of protesters were seen waving Palestinian flags near Ottawa’s Centre Block parliamentary building.

The video footage of the protest showed not only the pro-Hamas mantras that Freeland was asked about but also the apparent leader of the protest chanting several other antisemitic slogans into a bullhorn, including phrases like “From the river to the sea” and “long live the intifada.” After seeing the clips of the demonstration, Freeland, who also heads Canada’s Ministry of Finance, expressed shock and disgust at the antisemitism and glorification of terrorism that occurred on Parliament Hill. She stated that such hate speech has no place in Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also condemned the protest, calling it “hateful intimidation.” He emphasized the difference between peaceful protest and hateful intimidation, stating that it is unconscionable to glorify antisemitic violence and murder perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. Trudeau reiterated that such rhetoric has no place in Canada, especially considering that several Canadians were among the 1,200 killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attack on the Jewish state.

Initially, Freeland claimed to be unaware of the specific reports and incidents in Ottawa during the weekend protest, leading her to refrain from commenting on the issue. However, she changed her tune after viewing the video footage and seeing the extent of the hate speech and glorification of terrorism that took place during the demonstration. Freeland emphasized that as a government official, she cannot overlook or tolerate such expressions of hatred and violence within Canadian society.

The incident sparked public outrage and condemnation from various political figures in Canada, including Deputy Prime Minister Freeland and Prime Minister Trudeau. The pro-Hamas chants and antisemitic slogans were deemed unacceptable and incompatible with Canadian values. The government officials made it clear that hate speech, violence, and glorification of terrorism have no place in Canadian society and must be unequivocally condemned and addressed.

In conclusion, the protest in Ottawa that featured hate speech, pro-Hamas chants, and antisemitic slogans prompted a strong response from Canadian officials, with both Deputy Prime Minister Freeland and Prime Minister Trudeau denouncing the demonstrations. The incidents highlighted the importance of upholding Canadian values of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity, and the need to combat hate speech and violence in all forms. Moving forward, efforts to promote dialogue, understanding, and unity within Canadian society will be crucial in preventing the spread of extremist ideologies and fostering a culture of peace and harmony.

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