Venezuela is currently holding a presidential election that is being seen as a potentially pivotal moment for the country. The opposition is hoping for a strong victory that could lead to negotiations for a transition of power from President Nicolas Maduro, who has been in power since 2013. This election is being viewed as the most significant in a generation, as it presents a major challenge to the socialist regime that has been in place for 25 years. The socialist revolution, initiated by late President Hugo Chavez in 1999, has been facing years of economic collapse and political repression, wearing down its once robust support.

If Maduro is indeed defeated in this election, the question remains whether he will recognize the results and peacefully transfer power, or if he will attempt to hold onto power through other means. The outcome of the election will have significant implications not only for Venezuela but also for the wider South American region. The potential for a change in leadership in Venezuela could have far-reaching effects on regional dynamics and alliances.

Mohammed Jamjoom hosts a panel with Venezuelan opposition politician and academic Paola de Aleman, former Caracas district mayor David Smolansky, and Christopher Sabatini, a senior fellow for Latin America at Chatham House. The experts discuss the importance of this election and the possible outcomes, as well as the challenges that lie ahead for Venezuela regardless of the election results. The panel examines the impact of the current political and economic situation in Venezuela on its people and the region as a whole.

The panelists discuss the factors driving the opposition’s hopes for a decisive victory in the election and the potential obstacles they may face in achieving this goal. They also delve into the possible scenarios that could unfold if Maduro is indeed defeated, including the likelihood of a peaceful transition of power or potential resistance from the current administration. The panel provides insight into the complex political landscape in Venezuela and the various interests at play in this critical moment for the country.

The panelists emphasize the importance of international support and solidarity for Venezuela during this tumultuous time, highlighting the need for a united front in addressing the country’s challenges and participating in the potential transition process. The panel offers perspectives on the role of the international community in supporting democratic processes in Venezuela and promoting stability and prosperity in the region. The experts stress the need for a coordinated effort to address the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and work towards a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current political impasse.

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