Defense lawyers for former President Donald Trump resumed their cross-examination of key witness Michael Cohen in the hush money case on Thursday. Cohen, a former attorney and fixer for Trump, testified that Trump schemed to suppress a damaging story during his 2016 presidential campaign and falsified business records to cover it up. The defense sought to undermine Cohen’s credibility by highlighting his past animosity towards Trump and his criminal history, including a guilty plea to federal charges related to lying to Congress.

The defense played clips of Cohen’s podcasts where he expressed his desire for Trump to end up in prison, further calling into question Cohen’s motives for testifying against his former boss. Cohen admitted to continuing his attacks on Trump even during the trial and acknowledged using derogatory language towards the former president on social media. The defense also focused on Cohen’s previous lies, particularly regarding his involvement in a Trump Tower Moscow project, to cast doubt on his credibility as a witness.

Cohen’s testimony has placed Trump at the center of the alleged scheme to silence women who alleged sexual encounters with him by paying hush money. Cohen stated that Trump was aware of and approved the efforts to suppress negative stories that could damage his campaign. Trump denies the allegations and insists that the payments to Cohen were properly categorized as legal expenses. The defense argues that Trump’s actions were aimed at protecting his family from false accusations rather than influencing the election.

Trump, who maintains that the prosecution is politically motivated, has been accompanied to the courthouse by conservative supporters including potential vice presidential picks and allies angling for future administration roles. The defense is expected to continue questioning Cohen in an attempt to discredit his testimony and downplay his role as a star witness. The trial will take a break on Friday to allow Trump to attend his son’s high school graduation.

Overall, the trial has been characterized by intense scrutiny of Cohen’s credibility and motivations, as well as conflicting narratives about the nature of Trump’s involvement in the hush money scheme. The defense’s strategy revolves around painting Cohen as a disgruntled former employee seeking revenge against Trump, while prosecutors aim to prove that Trump orchestrated a cover-up to protect his political ambitions. The outcome of the trial could have significant implications for Trump’s potential return to the White House and his political future.

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