Anti-Israel radicals at the University of Pennsylvania have been passing around guides instructing agitators on how to break into buildings, escalate protests, and administer first aid. The documents obtained by Fox News Digital show detailed instructions on how to build shields out of trash cans, barricade doors effectively, and cut padlocks. The guides encourage “militant direct actions” and emphasize the need to escalate the struggle for Palestine. The university declined to comment on the guides, and protests on campus including the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” have prompted responses from university and city officials.

The guides for agitators also include instructions on how to handle injuries when protests turn violent. Medics are advised to be present both inside and outside the building, with knowledge of specific individuals’ needs and equipped with a first aid kit. Those who have been pepper sprayed should clean their eyes with water, while rubber bullet wounds should be cleaned and sutured if necessary. In addition to medical guidance, the documents also suggest establishing a propaganda team to disseminate press releases and work with the media during protests.

As protests escalate on college campuses, including anti-Israel demonstrations at Columbia University and others demanding divestment from Israel, student agitators are using tactics such as taking over buildings and setting up encampments. Recent protests at Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall were cut short when NYPD officers cleared the building in about two hours. The heightened tensions stem from Hamas’s war on Israel, leading to increased antisemitism on campuses nationwide and prompting warnings for Jewish students to leave for their safety.

The protests are associated with far-left organizations supported by liberal mega-donor George Soros, including the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), which has been present at protests on various campuses. In response to the protests, police departments are working to ensure the safety of all individuals while upholding First Amendment rights. Columbia University has faced intense protests, while other universities like Harvard, UCLA, and Yale are dealing with student encampments calling for divestment from Israel.

Despite calls for dismantling the encampment at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia police have refused to intervene without specific threats. The protests have led to ongoing tension between university officials, law enforcement, and student agitators, with safety concerns at the forefront of discussions. The guides obtained by Fox News Digital provide a detailed look at the tactics being used by agitators on college campuses, including advice on building shields, barricading doors, and administering first aid during protests that turn violent. The situation remains fluid as protests continue to escalate, with police and university officials working to maintain order while allowing for the expression of free speech.

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