Deb Surine, a 42-year-old woman from Calgary, has returned to the family farm in Saskatchewan where she spent her childhood. Despite facing trauma and abuse in her past, Surine found solace in alcohol as a coping mechanism. However, in 2020, she made the courageous decision to seek help and address her addiction issues. After completing a rehab program and receiving support from mental health professionals, Surine has been sober for two years and seven months. She credits a trauma specialist in Calgary for helping her through this journey.

Unfortunately, just as Surine was finally living a life free from addiction, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer in January 2024. Despite the devastating news, Surine feels a sense of relief and is focusing on living her remaining days with peace and contentment. She acknowledges the challenges she has faced in life, but maintains a sense of acceptance about her situation. Surine has chosen to spend her last days on the family farm, surrounded by nature and simplicity.

During her treatment for cancer, Surine experienced excruciating pain and was scheduled for medical assistance in dying. However, as April approached, she began to feel better and postponed the date in order to continue living her life doing what makes her happy. Surine emphasizes the importance of compassion for those struggling with addiction and mental health issues, highlighting the stigma that still surrounds these topics. She hopes that her story will help others understand the complexities of mental health and addiction.

Despite her terminal diagnosis, Surine is focusing on giving back to those in need. She plans to donate her possessions to the Women in Need Society and raise money for the Mustard Seed in Calgary to support individuals who are struggling. Surine reflects on her journey, expressing gratitude for the support she has received and acknowledging the impact of mental health and addiction on her life. She emphasizes the importance of compassion and understanding towards those facing similar challenges.

As Surine prepares for the end of her life, she remains grateful for the simple pleasures of caring for animals on the farm and finding joy in everyday moments. She reflects on the hardships she has endured and the battles she has faced, expressing a sense of readiness for what lies ahead. Though she is not afraid of death, Surine acknowledges her fear of the pain associated with dying from cancer. Through her story, she hopes to raise awareness about the struggles of addiction and mental health, and inspire compassion and empathy towards those in need.

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