In a recent interview, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni addressed the issue of the proposed reform of the premiership, which has faced opposition from the left. Meloni criticized the counterproposal of a “chancellorship,” stating that it does not align with the real intentions of the opposition. She suggested that the left’s reluctance to support direct election is rooted in a desire to maintain a system where governments are formed behind closed doors, rather than through direct democratic processes.

Meloni pointed to Germany as an example, where the chancellorship has led to coalition governments. She argued that under this system, voters may support a party without knowing what government will be formed as a result, which she believes is not conducive to transparency and accountability. She also emphasized that the premiership does not weaken the role of the president of the Republic, as some critics have suggested. Meloni insisted that her government is committed to upholding the prerogatives of the head of state and ensuring a balance of power.

The discussion then shifted to healthcare funding, with Meloni highlighting the significant increase in the healthcare budget for 2024. She noted that the healthcare fund is projected to reach a historic high of 134 billion euros, representing a substantial increase from pre-pandemic levels. Meloni underscored that the healthcare budget as a percentage of the GDP is also at a record high, indicating a strong commitment to addressing the healthcare needs of the population. While acknowledging that there are ongoing challenges in the healthcare system, Meloni rejected the notion that her government has cut funding for healthcare services.

In response to questions about the motivations behind the left’s opposition to direct election of the premier, Meloni suggested that their resistance stems from a desire to retain power even when they lose elections. She accused the opposition of seeking to manipulate the political system to serve their own interests, rather than prioritizing the democratic will of the people. Meloni reiterated her commitment to democratic principles and emphasized the importance of transparent and accountable governance in serving the interests of the citizens.

Meloni also addressed concerns about the potential impact of the proposed reforms on the stability of the government. She expressed confidence that the current system, which includes direct election of the premier, is robust enough to ensure effective governance and accountability. Meloni argued that the reforms are aimed at strengthening the democratic process and enhancing the representation of the citizens in government decision-making.

Overall, Meloni’s comments shed light on the ongoing political debate surrounding the reform of the premiership in Italy. By addressing the concerns of the opposition and highlighting the government’s commitment to democratic principles and transparent governance, she made a compelling case for the proposed reforms. As the discussions continue, it remains to be seen how the political landscape in Italy will evolve and whether the proposed reforms will be implemented successfully.

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