Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg expressed uncertainty about the timeline for clearing debris from the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, a critical shipping channel in the US that handles $80 billion in cargo annually. The bridge collapsed after the container ship Dali lost control and rammed into a pier with an estimated force equivalent to launching a space rocket. The Port of Baltimore, which relies on this waterway for its operations, suffered significant disruptions due to the bridge collapse, impacting the movement of goods such as sugar, gypsum, and cars.

Efforts are underway to begin clearing the debris, with a thousand-ton capacity lift crane already on site and a 600-ton crane en route to assist. The Port of Baltimore is a major employer, with around 8,000 people working there. Reports suggest that the Dali lost power, leading to the accident, although the official cause is yet to be determined. Buttigieg mentioned that there is no timeline for the reconstruction of the bridge, but he estimates that building a new bridge could cost at least $400 million. He hopes that Congress will provide significant funding for the project.

In response to the crisis, the federal government has allocated $60 million in emergency relief funds through the Federal Highway Administration. Buttigieg indicated that if additional funding is required, Congress may need to step in, as was the case after the 2007 bridge collapse in Minnesota, which received around $260 million in support. Maryland Governor Wes Moore emphasized that the impact of the bridge collapse extends beyond the state of Maryland, affecting national economic interests. The Port of Baltimore is crucial for various industries across the country, and its closure will have widespread repercussions.

Buttigieg highlighted the complexity of the clean-up process, noting that factors such as the stability of the vessel and the structural integrity of the remaining bridge sections need to be carefully considered. The original construction of the bridge took five years, but this may not be indicative of the timeline for the reconstruction. The transportation secretary emphasized the importance of bipartisan support and historical precedent for congressional funding in similar bridge collapse situations. Governor Moore echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the national significance of the Port of Baltimore and the need for a coordinated response to address the economic impact of the disaster on various sectors across the country.

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