A key witness in the corruption trial of Sen. Bob Menendez testified that he bribed the New Jersey Democrat and provided his wife, Nadine Menendez, with a new Mercedes-Benz convertible to gain power and influence to stop criminal investigations. The witness, Jose Uribe, a New Jersey insurance broker who pleaded guilty in March, confessed to buying the luxury car to influence the senator. He is cooperating with prosecutors, while Menendez denied accepting any bribes. Uribe testified that he agreed to give Nadine Menendez a car in exchange for the senator’s help in halting criminal investigations into his associates, including through a halal certification startup used to pay bribes.

Throughout the trial, prosecutors used various forms of evidence to depict Menendez and his wife as collaborators in a bribery scheme involving a halal meat monopoly, the Egyptian and Qatari governments, and efforts to influence criminal investigations. Menendez is being tried alongside two businessmen, all of whom plead not guilty, while Nadine Menendez’s trial was postponed due to her breast cancer treatment. After Nadine was in a car accident that led to a pedestrian’s death, she expressed dissatisfaction to a business associate about not having a car. Uribe, desperate to help associates facing legal issues, was told by Hana that he could resolve the problems through the Menendezes for a fee.

Uribe testified that Hana mentioned the Menendezes as a way to resolve the legal issues and influence the senator to intervene. Despite Menendez’s attempt to interfere in an insurance fraud case in January 2019, the investigation continued, leading Uribe to approach Nadine Menendez directly to strike a deal. He agreed to buy her a car in exchange for the senator’s efforts to halt the investigation involving an employee. Nadine agreed to the terms and received the new car in April 2019. Prosecutors presented text messages showing their communication about making the issue go away, with the senator reaching out to the attorney general to discuss legal matters involving Hispanic defendants.

Following an FBI search of the Menendezes’ home in 2022, where cash, gold bars, and the Mercedes were found, Uribe and Nadine met to discuss the car payments, emphasizing it was a loan rather than a bribe. Prosecutors allege that Menendez wrote a check to his wife, who then gave one to Uribe, falsely characterizing it as a loan. The defense attempted to shift blame to Nadine Menendez, claiming Menendez was not involved in her dealings with the businessmen accused of bribing them. Menendez’s attorney argued that he was not aware of his wife’s activities and was kept out of the loop by her. Menendez’s trial continues as more evidence is presented against him, with implications on both his career and personal life.

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