Mr. Lennon Tan, the President of the Singapore Manufacturing Federation, expressed optimism that the proposed Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Johor will not face the same issues as previous projects like the SIJORI Growth Triangle and Iskandar Malaysia due to increased business engagement by government officials. He noted a high level of private sector and industry consultation on both sides of the government to push the SEZ initiatives forward, providing hope for its successful implementation.

Tan pointed out that the timing of the SEZ proposal is beneficial for some manufacturing companies in Singapore dealing with rising costs and inflation. The SEZ could offer a new avenue for businesses to move some operations to Johor, maintaining competitiveness and cost structures. Despite waiting for more information on the SEZ, businesses remain keen and interested in the potential opportunities it could provide.

Jason Su, the managing director of Singapore venture capitalist firm Farquhar, expressed optimism about the success of the SEZ, citing the support of the federal administration led by Prime Minister Anwar as a key factor. Anwar’s government has been seen as pro-business and technocratic, creating a positive environment for foreign investment. Under Anwar’s leadership, multinational corporations like Microsoft, Nvidia, and Alphabet have announced partnerships and investments in Malaysia, with Microsoft committing $2.2 billion to AI and cloud computing infrastructure development.

Anwar’s administration has been praised by regional business leaders for its efforts to encourage foreign investment and create an environment conducive to business growth. During a meeting with Anwar, Nvidia’s CEO referred to him as the “AI Prime Minister” and commended the administration for its infrastructure support for AI development in the region. The positive reception of Anwar’s administration and the investments from multinational corporations indicate a favorable environment for the success of the SEZ in Johor.

The heightened private sector and industry consultation, as well as the endorsement and support from high-profile government officials on both sides, add to the prospects of the SEZ’s success. By engaging with businesses and stakeholders from both countries, the government is demonstrating a commitment to making the SEZ a reality and addressing the needs of companies grappling with challenges like rising costs and inflation. The SEZ could offer a solution for businesses to maintain competitiveness and cost efficiency.

Overall, the SEZ proposal in Johor has generated optimism and interest from businesses looking to leverage the opportunities it presents in terms of cost efficiencies, competitiveness, and business growth. With the support of the government on both sides and the positive business environment created by Prime Minister Anwar’s administration, there are strong indications that the SEZ could be successful in attracting investments, partnerships, and business expansions in the region.

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