A series of burglaries in Los Angeles involving sledgehammers being used to tunnel into businesses has left business owners feeling violated but grateful that no one was hurt. In one incident, suspects burrowed through three businesses and six walls in a strip mall to break into Denny Lesser Jewelers in Chatsworth. Lesser, the owner of the store, encountered one of the suspects wearing a dark hoodie, mask, and gloves sledgehammering through a wall. After yelling at the suspect, they retreated and contacted the police, who arrived quickly. The damage to the businesses was extensive, but no significant value was stolen.

The incidents in Los Angeles are not isolated, as similar burglaries have occurred at other stores in the area. Security cameras captured images of suspects using sledgehammers to break into Gilded Jewelry in Downtown Los Angeles. Other stores in the area have reported attempted break-ins using similar methods. Business owners like Rebecca Rotter of Cosmetic Creations Salon feel violated but thankful that no one was hurt in these incidents. The crime rates in the area have been on the rise, leading to concerns among business owners about their safety and the need for prosecution of the perpetrators.

The use of sledgehammers to break into businesses is not a new tactic in Los Angeles. In March of last year, burglars stole up to $5 million in merchandise from a Beverly Hills jewelry store after breaking in using sledgehammers during the day. At least five suspects were involved in that incident. In the recent burglaries, investigators have not confirmed whether the incidents are related, but store owners and law enforcement are on high alert due to the similarities in the methods used. The LAPD has confirmed the incidents and is working to solve the cases.

Despite the increase in burglaries using sledgehammers, business owners like Denny Lesser remain optimistic and grateful that no one was injured in the break-ins. Lesser described the suspect he encountered as “slight,” and he believes the suspects left behind a sledgehammer and a crowbar at the scene. The attempt to break into Lesser’s store was reminiscent of a previous incident that occurred eight or ten years ago, showing that burglars may be using similar tactics in their crimes. The LAPD is investigating the incidents and working with the affected businesses to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The use of sledgehammers to tunnel into businesses in Los Angeles has raised concerns among store owners and law enforcement about the safety of the community. The damage caused by the burglaries is extensive, and the methods used by the suspects are similar across different incidents. Business owners like Rebecca Rotter are calling for stricter prosecution of the perpetrators to curb the rising crime rates in the area. The LAPD is actively working on solving the cases in collaboration with the affected businesses to ensure the safety and security of the community.

The trend of burglaries using sledgehammers in Los Angeles is a cause for alarm among business owners and residents who fear for their safety. The incidents have left a sense of violation and unrest in the community, prompting calls for increased vigilance and security measures to prevent future break-ins. Law enforcement efforts to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators are ongoing, with the hope of deterring similar crimes in the future. As authorities work to address the issue, business owners like Denny Lesser are staying positive and grateful that no one was harmed in the recent break-ins, emphasizing the importance of safety and security in their businesses and neighborhoods.

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