Teams arrived with construction equipment to demolish a building located in the village of Gölbaşı, which is determined to be within the flood and inundation area.

After the gendarmerie took security measures, the teams demolished the building in a controlled manner.

Giresun Acting Director of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, Murat Cavunt, stated that their directorate, as well as the Provincial Administration and AFAD teams, had initiated an inspection of the building some time ago.

Cavunt noted that the construction was sealed by the Provincial Administration and mentioned that there have been occasional news reports in the media about the issue.

Cavunt emphasized that technical experts from relevant institutions conducted a reexamination on-site, stating, “If there is any doubt regarding the compliance with the building permit law, or if there is a building without a permit that cannot obtain one, the demolition process will be carried out without delay.”

Cavunt confirmed that they reached an agreement with the building owner and said, “We demolished this building as part of urban transformation due to the ruling that it cannot obtain a permit.”

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