The Structural Budget Plan “does not leave anyone behind”. It puts work at the center and focuses on the pillars of pensions and healthcare. However, as the sustainability of welfare depends on demographics, it also reinforces family policies. Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti outlines the silhouette of the upcoming maneuver through the new public finance document to be sent to Europe. This will contribute to boosting GDP by 0.3 points in 2025, around 6 billion euros. The main highlights of the plan include reducing the tax wedge and restructuring personal income tax into three brackets, with the rest depending on resources from fighting tax evasion and agreements.

The Structural Budget Plan aims to address key issues in the Italian economy, with a focus on strengthening social welfare programs while also supporting the growth of the economy. By targeting pension and healthcare reforms, as well as family policies, the plan seeks to ensure the sustainability of welfare programs in the face of changing demographics. Minister Giorgetti’s plan is designed to provide a boost to the economy by stimulating GDP growth through targeted measures such as reducing the tax wedge and restructuring personal income tax.

One of the key goals of the Structural Budget Plan is to increase GDP by 0.3 points in 2025, which is estimated to be around 6 billion euros. This goal is expected to be achieved through a combination of measures, including reducing the tax burden on workers and restructuring the income tax system. By implementing these reforms, the government aims to increase economic growth and improve the overall welfare of Italian citizens. The plan also includes measures to combat tax evasion and increase government revenue through agreements.

In addition to focusing on economic growth, the Structural Budget Plan also places a strong emphasis on social welfare programs, particularly pensions and healthcare. By strengthening these pillars of the welfare system, the government aims to ensure that all citizens have access to essential services and support. The plan also includes measures to support families, recognizing the important role they play in the sustainability of the welfare system. By addressing these key areas, the government hopes to create a more inclusive and sustainable welfare system for all Italians.

Overall, the Structural Budget Plan is aimed at promoting economic growth and strengthening social welfare programs in Italy. By targeting key areas such as pensions, healthcare, and family policies, the government aims to ensure the sustainability of welfare programs in the face of demographic changes. Through a combination of measures to boost GDP growth, reduce the tax burden, and combat tax evasion, the plan seeks to create a more stable and prosperous economy for all citizens. Minister Giorgetti’s plan represents a comprehensive strategy to address the challenges facing the Italian economy and ensure a brighter future for all citizens.

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