A Buckingham Palace King’s Guard was caught on camera slipping and falling while on duty by a tourist from Liverpool, England. The embarrassing moment was filmed as the guard, wearing a tall bearskin hat and red tunic, lost his footing and landed on his backside. Spectators in the background could be heard laughing at the incident, amazed at the rare sight of a Palace guard losing his composure.

The guard quickly recovered from the fall, fixing his hat and uniform and repositioning his rifle before resuming his position. Despite the mishap, he regained his composure and continued his duty with a stern demeanor as expected from Palace guards. Many people found the incident amusing as Palace guards are known for their serious and unbreakable demeanor, even in the face of distractions or mishaps.

Incidents involving Palace guards losing their composure are rare but not unheard of. In 2018, a Windsor Castle guard was caught on camera shoving a tourist who allegedly provoked him during his routine drill. The guard remained focused on his duty, ignoring the tourist’s actions and continuing his march. The British Army requires guards outside the Royal Family’s Palace to be highly trained and prepared for any situation, including dealing with provocation from tourists.

Despite the strict rules and expectations placed on the Palace guards, there are some unspoken rules they must follow while on duty. Guards are not allowed to be touched, and if someone does touch them, they are permitted to shout at the person. Additionally, guards must maintain a serious expression, cannot smile or move around while on duty, except for a brief period to stretch their legs after being still for 10 minutes. Guards are even trained to faint in a specific manner, ensuring they remain at attention even when unconscious.

The role of a King’s Guard comes with a starting salary of around $33,000, as well as benefits such as subsidized meals, free health and dental care, and low-cost accommodation. Despite the challenges and expectations placed on them, guards are highly respected for their commitment to their duty and maintaining the security and protocol of the Royal Family. The incident of the guard slipping and falling serves as a reminder that even those responsible for protecting the Palace are still human and can make mistakes, albeit in a humorous and entertaining way.

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