Janet Jackson has recently been facing backlash for comments she made in an interview regarding Kamala Harris and her race. Many insiders are pointing fingers at her brother and manager, Randy Jackson, suggesting that he is too inexperienced and has become too dominant in making decisions for Janet. The controversy began after Janet stated in an interview that Harris is not fully Black, as her father is white and her mother is Indian. These comments from the iconic singer have led to significant backlash on social media, with some even comparing her comments to a “Trump rally.”

Members of Janet Jackson’s inner circle are reportedly perplexed by her interview comments, fearing that the fallout could be worse than previous incidents like the infamous “Nipplegate” controversy. Jackson has always been known for her advocacy for various social issues, making her comments regarding Harris’ race even more surprising to those who know her well. Some sources suggest that Jackson is living in a bubble and not keeping up with current events, contributing to her tone-deaf remarks in the interview.

Janet Jackson and her brother, Randy, have attempted to let the controversy blow over without addressing it directly. They were reportedly not planning to issue an official statement until the situation escalated further. Amid the chaos, a man claiming to be Janet’s manager issued an apology on her behalf, only for Janet’s publicist to clarify that he does not represent her. The situation became even more confusing when People Magazine published another apology, which was then updated as the man was confirmed to not be associated with Janet.

Many sources within Janet Jackson’s camp do not know who the man claiming to be her manager is, leading to speculation that Randy Jackson may have brought him onboard. Some insiders believe that Randy’s influence is detrimental to Janet’s career, as he is not experienced and has never had a successful career himself. They also suggest that Randy is a Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist, influencing Janet’s decisions. In the interview, Janet mentioned that Randy was the reason her album “Black Diamond” had not been released, but sources claim she may not have enough material for a full album.

Despite the controversy surrounding her recent interview, Janet Jackson is continuing with her tour in London and preparing for a new residency in Las Vegas. It remains unclear how she will address the backlash from her comments, especially as conflicts arise within her inner circle regarding management decisions. There are concerns about the direction of her career under Randy’s influence, as many believe he is not equipped to handle her affairs effectively. As Janet navigates these challenges, the public awaits her response to the unfolding situation.

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