At Brooklyn Charter School in Bedford-Stuyvesant, a neighborhood in New York City experiencing a decline in Black families, the school has implemented an extended 12-hour day to address the issues of declining urban school enrollment and the logistical challenges faced by working parents. The longer school day, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., aims to provide a solution for families struggling to find high-quality and affordable child care during the gaps between school dismissal and the end of the work day. The school saw a significant increase in enrollment, with about 80 students signing up for the extended hours, indicating that affordable child care might be the most valuable amenity for some parents in an expensive city like New York.

While some students do not stay for the full 12 hours, the extended school day poses concerns about the impact of long hours on children and families. However, staff members recognize that many parents work long hours and face lengthy commutes, making it a common experience in the city. Research has shown that high-quality after-school programs can benefit children in areas such as attendance, academics, and mental health. However, the city is facing budget constraints that have made it challenging to expand after-school programming, leaving many families without access to additional support outside of school hours.

The extended school day at Brooklyn Charter School includes various activities for students after the formal school day ends at 4 p.m. Students enjoy a meal, engage in comedy sessions, music, math homework, and creative design projects. The after-school program offers a safe and structured environment for students to continue learning and having fun. Many parents appreciate the program as it offers a solution to their child care needs, making their lives easier and providing a sense of relief for working families in the community.

In New York City, fewer than half of public schools offer free, city-funded after-school services, creating a gap for families seeking additional support for their children after school hours. Universal after-school programming has gained political attention as a potential solution to address the lack of options for families juggling work and child care responsibilities. At Brooklyn Charter School, families have expressed their satisfaction with the extended school day program, highlighting the positive impact it has had on their lives by providing reliable and affordable child care services.

The school’s extended hours have proven to be successful in helping families needing support with child care and addressing the challenges faced by working parents in an expensive city like New York. The increased enrollment and positive feedback from parents demonstrate the importance of accessible and affordable child care options for families in urban areas. By offering a safe and engaging after-school program, Brooklyn Charter School has not only supported students academically and socially but also alleviated the burden on working parents struggling to find adequate child care solutions for their children.

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