The MTV Video Music Awards in August 2003 featured a memorable performance by Britney Spears, Madonna, and Christina Aguilera that included a controversial kiss between Madonna and the two younger singers. Madonna performed “Like a Virgin” and “Hollywood” before sharing a kiss with both Spears and Aguilera during the opening number. The kiss caused a lot of buzz and speculation in the media, with Madonna later claiming it was just a friendly gesture and she was surprised by the reaction it received.

Following the performance, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera shared their thoughts on the iconic moment. Spears expressed her excitement and gratitude, feeling blessed by the experience. Aguilera, on the other hand, praised Madonna’s professionalism and described her as a great collaborator. Although Madonna has remained silent on the incident in recent years, Spears and Aguilera have both reflected on the performance and the impact it had on their careers.

In her memoir, Spears revealed that the kiss was not originally planned during rehearsals for the VMAs performance. However, as the show approached, she decided to go for it and make a bold move to create a memorable moment on stage. Aguilera also shared her perspective on the experience, mentioning that she was perfectly fine with Madonna kissing Spears and the focus being on their interaction instead of her own moment with the music icon.

Aguilera later commented on the cut-away footage that aired during the performance, showing Justin Timberlake’s reaction to the kiss but missing her own moment with Madonna. Despite feeling slightly left out, Aguilera remained professional and focused on her own performance of “Fighter” with Dave Navarro. Looking back on the VMAs, Aguilera described the moment as part of a whirlwind experience and emphasized her appreciation for being part of such a significant performance.

In a 2024 interview, Aguilera reflected on the VMAs performance as a magical and unforgettable moment. She shared her love for the theme, concept, and character dynamics that played out on stage, highlighting the energy and excitement leading up to the performance. Despite the controversy surrounding the kiss, Aguilera embraced the opportunity to work with Madonna and be part of a historic pop culture moment that continues to captivate fans and media outlets years later.

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