Campaigners in Majorca are planning demonstrations against the large numbers of tourists visiting the region during the summer, which they believe is causing various problems. The group, Association Menys Turisme, Mes Vida, or Less Tourism, More Life, organized a meeting where they discussed plans to create traffic gridlock around Palma airport and stage protests outside hotels. This anti-tourism movement has already seen protests in other popular Spanish destinations, such as the Canary Islands and Ibiza. Locals are expressing frustration at the influx of tourists, particularly rowdy British visitors. The protesters are calling for more sustainable tourism practices and are demanding action from the government to address the issue.

More than 2.3 million British tourists visit Majorca each year, bringing in nearly £2 billion to the region’s economy. While some acknowledge the economic benefits of tourism, others argue that there needs to be a better balance. Travel agent Paul Charles believes that the campaigners will not deter tourists, but their concerns about managing the growth of tourism are valid. The protests have seen thousands of locals taking to the streets to voice their discontent and demand action from politicians. In Tenerife, up to 80,000 people marched against the negative impacts of mass tourism, holding banners reading “You enjoy, we suffer.” Graffiti telling tourists to “go home” has appeared in Majorca and Tenerife, indicating the growing tensions between locals and visitors.

The protesters in Majorca are planning to cause gridlock around the Palma airport in an attempt to disrupt the arrival of tourists. They are advocating for a more sustainable approach to tourism, including halting controversial hotel projects, implementing an eco-tax, and embracing responsible travel practices. The anti-tourism movement is a response to the overcrowding and negative behaviors exhibited by some tourists, particularly British holidaymakers. Campaigners hope to bring attention to the issues caused by mass tourism and push for policies that prioritize the well-being of locals and the environment. The demonstrations are part of a broader movement in Spain’s popular holiday destinations to address the challenges posed by an overwhelming number of visitors.

As tensions rise between locals and tourists in Majorca, the calls for action are intensifying. The protesters are expressing their frustration with the lack of infrastructure to support the large influx of tourists and the negative impact on the environment and local communities. The campaign against mass tourism is gaining momentum, with demonstrations and protests planned across various Spanish destinations. The movement is seeking to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable tourism practices and to hold policymakers accountable for creating a more balanced approach to tourism. Whether these protests will lead to meaningful change remains to be seen, but they highlight the significant challenges facing popular holiday destinations grappling with the impact of mass tourism.

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