Claudia Jessie, who portrays Eloise on the popular Netflix series “Bridgerton,” recently shared a hilarious story on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” about breaking her wrist on set during filming for the third season. The incident occurred when she attempted a celebratory high kick in her costume, which restricted her movement and led to an embarrassing fall. Despite the mishap, Jessie found humor in the situation and was grateful for the laughter from her castmates. She had to wear a cast for her injury, which the show’s costume department cleverly disguised in a giant fur muff, creating a continuity issue in the Regency-era drama.

Season 3 of “Bridgerton” took place during the summer, but the decision to hide Jessie’s cast in a “summer muff” was made to maintain the character’s appearance. The cast and crew jokingly referred to the accessory as such, despite it being a fictional creation. Jessie’s witty storytelling and humor during her interview with Colbert delighted fans, who appreciated her lively personality both on and off the screen. Her ability to share funny anecdotes and engage with her audience has made her a standout member of the cast during the show’s promotional tour.

Jessie’s humorous interviews and playful interactions with the media have endeared her to viewers, who enjoy her genuine and entertaining presence. Her ability to make light of potentially embarrassing situations, such as her on-set injury, showcases her comedic talent and charm. Fans on social media have praised Jessie for her storytelling abilities and comedic timing, with many expressing their desire to see more of her in future projects. Her portrayal of Eloise on “Bridgerton” has been met with critical acclaim, and her off-screen persona adds an extra layer of enjoyment for audiences.

Despite the challenges of filming with an injury, Jessie’s positive attitude and sense of humor shine through, making her interviews and interactions with the media memorable and enjoyable. Her infectious energy and ability to entertain both fans and interviewers alike have made her a standout figure in the promotional campaign for “Bridgerton.” Viewers appreciate her authenticity and willingness to share amusing stories from behind the scenes of the show, adding an extra layer of fun to the experience of watching the series.

Overall, Claudia Jessie’s recent appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” and her entertaining anecdotes about her on-set mishap have garnered positive attention from fans and media outlets alike. Her ability to weave humor into her storytelling and engage with her audience has solidified her status as a beloved member of the “Bridgerton” cast. As the show continues to captivate audiences, Jessie’s lively personality and comedic sensibilities bring an added dimension to the viewing experience, making her a standout presence both on and off the screen.

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