A woman seeking advice on Reddit shared that despite being engaged for four months, she has fallen out of love with her partner over the last two years. She expressed feeling resentment towards him and revealed that his mother also despises her, which has become a breaking point. Concerns about his family being awful people and not wanting to have children with him due to this dynamic were also mentioned. The woman discussed the financial implications of canceling the wedding, as they have already sunk costs into non-refundable elements, and the remaining expenses were to be covered by family.

The woman expressed fear of the shame and backlash from her family, especially her father, who believes nothing is wrong with the relationship. Despite experiencing genuine panic attacks about navigating a breakup with family involvement, she feels like being on autopilot and running out of time before the crash. She has discussed her feelings with her fiance, who dismisses them as dramatic and believes they will blow over. The woman lamented falling out of love and feeling like the biggest mistake of her life was being with her partner, yet she is hesitant to leave due to financial ruin and destroying her relationship with her immediate family.

Commenters on Reddit were direct with the original poster, advising her to stop people-pleasing and prioritize her own happiness. Some suggested that she already knew the answer to her dilemma, and that canceling the wedding might be the best course of action. One person shared their experience as a divorced father of five, emphasizing that the cost of exiting the circumstances now would be far cheaper than dealing with the aftermath with children involved. The woman expressed a desire to salvage the relationship through couples therapy or a weekend away, but acknowledged that the situation may only worsen over time.

A clinical psychologist emphasized the importance of honesty in relationships and encouraged the struggling partner to speak privately with family members involved to address the issue. The psychologist highlighted that lying and deceiving a loved one is never acceptable and that seeking resolution through open communication is crucial. The woman’s dilemma generated over 1,200 reactions on Reddit, with many echoing the sentiment that she should prioritize her own happiness and well-being. The advice provided emphasized the need for self-care and taking steps to address the underlying issues in the relationship before making a decision about the wedding.

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