Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh spoke at a conference in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, discussing the importance of courts sticking to their principles and how unpopular decisions from the past can become accepted as part of American law. He emphasized the need for judges to stay away from politics and focus on being respectful and clear in the courtroom. Kavanaugh mentioned that federal judges should try to boost public confidence in the judiciary and avoid being swayed by public opinion.

Kavanaugh mentioned that landmark decisions from the 1950s and ’60s, such as Brown v. Board of Education, were initially unpopular but are now accepted as integral parts of American constitutional law. He highlighted the challenges faced by the Warren court during its tenure and how sticking to their principles ultimately shaped the fabric of American law. Despite political pressure and public opposition, Kavanaugh stressed the importance of judges maintaining their integrity and upholding the principles of the law.

The justice also addressed concerns about his personal security, mentioning that his family is protected 24 hours a day due to ongoing threats. He noted that protesters have shown up at his house in the past, including a man who was arrested while carrying weapons. Despite these challenges, Kavanaugh expressed hope that his daughters would not be negatively impacted by the heightened security measures and the public scrutiny that comes with his position.

Kavanaugh touched on the impact of his confirmation on his family, noting that his daughters have grown up under the spotlight and are now in high school. He expressed concern about the long-term effects of their exposure to security measures and the challenges that come with his position. While protesters have shown up at his house in the past, Kavanaugh mentioned that the frequency of such incidents has decreased over time, indicating a shift in the level of public attention and scrutiny he faces in his personal life.

Overall, Kavanaugh’s remarks at the conference highlighted the importance of judicial independence, integrity, and the role of courts in shaping American law. He emphasized the need for judges to remain impartial and focused on upholding the principles of the law, even in the face of public pressure or opposition. Despite the challenges and threats he and his family have faced, Kavanaugh remains committed to his role as a Supreme Court justice and upholding the rule of law in the United States.

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