Today, on Tuesday, October 8th, the Plenary of the Congress is expected to begin the processing of the PSOE’s bill that proposes to reform the Law Regulating the Right of Association to allow for the dissolution of entities like the Francisco Franco Foundation. This process would only be initiated at the request of the Public Prosecutor and would require a judicial resolution. In addition, the members of parliament will also debate an initiative by the PSOE to reduce the maximum blood alcohol level for drivers from 0.5 grams per liter to 0.2 grams. This new limit would apply to all drivers, including beginners and professionals.

Insurance companies that collaborate with Muface, the health insurance provider for civil servants and their families, are hoping that the Council of Ministers will approve the guidelines for providing this service in 2024 and 2025. However, they warn that the bidding process may remain empty if the current funding is not increased by at least 30%. Additionally, the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid is currently examining whether to admit the lawsuit filed by the State Attorney, on behalf of the Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, against the judge Juan Carlos Peinado for alleged prevarication.

The power struggle between the PSOE in Castilla y León and the party’s national leadership continues, following the suspension of the Federal Committee on Ethics and Guarantees in the primary election and Autonomous Congress calendar. The uncertainty remains as to when these events will eventually be held. Meanwhile, the Parliament of Catalonia will host the first general policy debate of the legislature from Tuesday to Thursday. During this debate, the government led by the socialist Salvador Illa will assess the strength of its alliances with ERC and Comuns.

Overall, today’s political landscape is marked by various debates and discussions surrounding important issues such as the dissolution of controversial entities, changes in blood alcohol limits for drivers, and internal conflicts within political parties. The decisions made in these debates and legal proceedings could have significant implications for the future direction of government policy and party dynamics at both the regional and national levels. As the day unfolds, it will be important to closely follow these developments to understand the evolving political landscape in Spain.

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