The Valencian Government has approved to urgently appeal to the Constitutional Court regarding the Amnesty law. The government will hold an extraordinary meeting to approve the presentation of a lawsuit against the Amnesty law. The meeting will be presided over by the president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and it is unclear if there will be a press conference afterwards to explain the details of the agreement.

The Consell Jurídic Consultiu (CJC) had previously given the green light to the Valencian Government to file a constitutional appeal against the Amnesty law, believing that there are sufficient arguments for the Constitutional Court to rule on the matter. The Vice President of the Consell, Susana Camarero, mentioned that the CJC sees conflicting elements in the Amnesty law that may be affecting principles of equality and arbitrariness that need to be addressed by the Constitutional Court.

Camarero emphasized the unanimous decision within the CJC, composed of individuals chosen by various political parties, highlighting the importance of this appeal as a key point of consensus for the region. She stated that the President is filing the appeal on behalf of all Valencians to prevent a situation where there is one Spain for those who decide to commit crimes and embezzle public funds, and another for everyone else.

The Valencian Government’s decision to challenge the Amnesty law reflects concerns over its potential impact on equality and the rule of law. The law has been criticized for potentially creating two tiers of justice in Spain, with different standards applying to those accused of corruption and other crimes. By taking this issue to the Constitutional Court, the Government aims to ensure that all individuals are held accountable under the same legal framework.

The urgency of the meeting and the decision to appeal to the Constitutional Court demonstrate the Valencian Government’s commitment to upholding principles of equality and justice. By challenging the Amnesty law, they are seeking to prevent a situation where individuals accused of crimes can evade consequences, potentially undermining the rule of law and public trust in the justice system. This action underscores the government’s dedication to protecting the interests of all citizens and ensuring accountability for those who abuse their power.

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