Two outside groups aligned with Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell have reported a fundraising total of over $51 million in the past three months. The Senate Leadership Fund, which supports Senate Republican incumbents and candidates, brought in $24.4 million, while the non-profit public advocacy group One Nation raised $26.99 million. This combined total is a first-quarter fundraising record for the two groups. McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history, announced he would step down after the November election.

One Nation raised more than double what it did in the same period during the 2022 election cycle, while the Senate Leadership Fund matched their 2022 first-quarter haul. Both groups have substantial cash-on-hand, with the Senate Leadership Fund reporting $59.5 million and One Nation reporting $83 million. The groups are focused on ensuring Republicans win back the majority in the Senate in the 2024 elections, with the goal of securing a lasting majority in January 2025.

Senate Majority PAC, the top outside group supporting Senate Democrats, has not yet announced its first quarter fundraising numbers. Democrats currently hold a slim majority in the Senate, with Republicans needing to gain either one or two seats to regain control, depending on the outcome of the presidential election. The math and map favor the GOP in 2024, with Democrats defending more seats, including some in key swing states that President Biden narrowly carried in 2020.

Democrats are defending seats in red states that former President Trump won in 2020, as well as in key swing states where President Biden narrowly prevailed. Senate Republicans have had success in recruiting popular candidates in some states, such as former GOP Gov. Larry Hogan in Maryland. Texas and Florida are the only potentially competitive GOP-held seats up for grabs in November, with incumbent Senators Ted Cruz and Rick Scott seeking re-election. The battle for control of the Senate is shaping up to be closely contested in the upcoming elections.

The fundraising success of McConnell-aligned groups reflects the high stakes of the battle for control of the Senate in 2024. With McConnell stepping down after the election, the focus is on ensuring a lasting Republican majority in the Senate. Democrats are facing challenges in defending key seats in swing states, while Republicans are seeing opportunities to gain ground in red and swing states. The outcome of the elections will have significant implications for the direction of the country and the legislative agenda moving forward.

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