Ana, a 55 years old woman, recounts her experience of dedicating herself to the construction of a spiritual community in a desert area in Abanilla, Murcia. Initially, the leader of the community was kind and they would go out for dinner, but over time he became more demanding and controlling. Ana felt like she was living for him and was told to focus only on him and how to improve things for him. She eventually realized that she had lost her sense of judgment and lived in constant fear of being isolated or expelled.

Ana was part of the core group of followers of Mahasandhi, a spiritual community led by José Manuel C., also known as Trascendencia Total. The group lived in a secluded 10-hectare estate in Murcia. The guru was arrested in November after an investigation by the National Police and a judge. The police found 180 kilograms of mercury, a highly toxic metal, as well as other substances like marihuana. José Manuel C. was released on bail and the investigation is ongoing, with charges related to environmental offenses and manufacturing unauthorized products.

Ana and another former member, Óscar, have reported the activities that took place within the community, including rituals involving the consumption of drugs and the purification of mercury. They have filed a lawsuit against the leader for various offenses, including fraud, physical and psychological injuries, coercion, threats, and labor exploitation. The legal proceedings are still ongoing, with allegations of a hidden business agenda behind the accusations.

The living conditions within the community were described as controlled and based on the leader’s orders. There were reports of rituals such as cutting the frenulum of the tongue with a scalpel and drinking a “nectar” that induced trance-like states. The leader imposed strict rules and expectations on the members, who were required to address him as “master” or guru. Ana and Óscar invested significant amounts of money in the construction of cave houses and other expenses at the leader’s request, leading to financial strain.

RedUNE, an association dedicated to preventing sect-related abuses, is working to recognize coercive persuasion as a criminal offense. Victims of sects are often individuals seeking personal well-being or faced with uncertainty, making them vulnerable to manipulation. The fear of repercussions and mental manipulation often prevent victims from reporting abuses. Ana emphasizes the importance of speaking out to prevent others from falling into similar situations and warns about the dangers of mental manipulation in such communities.

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