A Minnesota father, Ryan Beierman, was saved by his 12-year-old son, Owen, during a black bear attack while on a hunting trip at their cabin in western Wisconsin. Owen shot the bear after it charged at his father and knocked him down. Ryan sustained various injuries, including cuts, a gash on his cheek, and puncture wounds from the bear’s fangs on his forehead, arm, and leg. Despite the injuries, Ryan credits his son for stepping in and saving the day by killing the bear on top of him with a 350 Legend hunting rifle. The incident occurred during a legal bear hunting season in Wisconsin in September and October.

The father-son duo had extensive hunting experience and were prepared for their weekend hunting trip. While tracking the bear, Owen spotted it approaching and fired a shot that hit the bear but did not kill it. After waiting for the bear to bleed out for about twenty minutes, the bear charged at Ryan, who attempted to scare it away with his sidearm before ultimately shooting at it multiple times. However, Ryan missed his shots, and it was Owen’s quick thinking and precise shot that ultimately killed the bear and saved his father’s life. Despite the intensity of the situation, the pair managed to successfully fend off the bear with Owen’s final shot.

Once the bear had been taken down, Ryan’s neighbors assisted in cleaning the bear, and they attempted to drive Ryan to the emergency room for treatment of his injuries. However, an ambulance intercepted them to assess Ryan’s wounds and provide him with the necessary medical attention. Proud of his son’s actions during the bear attack, Ryan expressed his hesitation to continue bear hunting in the future upon returning home. The incident was undoubtedly a harrowing experience for the father and son, leaving them with memories of a wild night filled with danger and bravery.

The Beiermans’ encounter with the black bear highlights the risks that come with hunting and the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations in the wilderness. Their experience serves as a reminder of the dangers that can arise when tracking and hunting animals, especially those as formidable as black bears. Despite the injuries sustained during the attack, the quick thinking and actions of Owen helped to save his father’s life and demonstrate the importance of remaining calm and collected in such perilous situations. The incident also underscores the significance of following safety protocols while hunting and being equipped with the necessary skills and tools to handle unexpected encounters with wildlife.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has regulations in place to manage black bear populations and ensure hunting is conducted ethically and responsibly. While bear hunting is legal in certain zones during specific seasons, incidents like the Beiermans’ bear encounter serve as a reminder of the unpredictability and dangers associated with hunting wild animals. The bravery and quick-wittedness displayed by Owen in saving his father’s life highlights the importance of being prepared and equipped with the necessary skills and equipment while engaging in outdoor activities like hunting. Overall, the Beiermans’ story is a testament to the bond between father and son, as well as the courage and resourcefulness demonstrated in the face of a life-threatening situation.

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