Justin Juray faced a difficult decision after a gunman’s rampage at his bowling alley in Lewiston, Maine in October left several people dead. He initially felt guilty and unsure about reopening the business, but ultimately decided to do so to honor the lives lost. The tragic event, which was Maine’s deadliest mass shooting, involved the deaths of 18 people at the bowling alley and a nearby bar. Justin and his wife, Samantha, who bought the bowling alley in May 2021, were at the scene on the night of the shooting.

The scrutiny into the response to the shooting has led to an independent investigation and a proposed “red flag” law in Maine. The proposed law would allow family members to petition a judge to have firearms confiscated from individuals experiencing a psychiatric crisis. Meanwhile, the Jurays have focused on renovating the bowling alley, including replacing damaged equipment and updating the facilities. They have opted against certain security measures, such as hiring an armed guard, to maintain a family-friendly atmosphere.

The reopening of the bowling alley, Just-In-Time Recreation, on May 3 will mark a significant moment for the community and the victims’ families. The Violettes, whose parents were killed in the shooting, see the reopening as a way to heal and preserve their legacy. John Violette and his wife have returned to Maine to establish a bowling foundation to support children, continuing their parents’ dedication to the sport. The Jurays are also committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for their patrons.

The devastating impact of the shooting lingers for those who were present that night, including Justin and Samantha Juray. Samantha recalls the chaotic aftermath of the shooting, with cellphones ringing and people frantically trying to find loved ones. Justin, who was bowling with his father at the time of the shooting, initially mistook the gunfire for firecrackers. The couple lost friends and colleagues in the tragedy, describing them as family members and expressing deep sorrow over their deaths.

The reopening of Just-In-Time Recreation serves as a symbol of resilience and hope for the community in Lewiston. Despite the trauma of the shooting, the Jurays are determined to restore the bowling alley to its former vibrancy and provide a safe space for families to enjoy. Their decision to reopen the business reflects a commitment to honoring the memory of the victims and moving forward in a spirit of unity and healing. The Jurays hope that the bowling alley will once again become a place of joy and connection for the community.

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