The Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson Jay Tarriela showed videos of a confrontation where a Chinese Coast Guard vessel intentionally rammed a Philippine vessel without provocation. The ramming damaged the Teresa Magbanua, a large coast guard cutter, but no personnel were injured. China’s coast guard spokesperson Liu Dejun claimed that a Philippine ship was illegally stranded and deliberately rammed their vessel, calling on the Philippines to withdraw or face consequences. Tarriela stated that despite the harassment, the Philippines would not withdraw its ship and would not tolerate the bullying actions of the Chinese coast guard.

The US ambassador to the Philippines condemned China’s actions and expressed Washington’s support for the Philippines as a treaty ally. The US condemned China’s dangerous violations of international law, including the intentional ramming during the recent confrontation. The Philippines had deployed a ship to the Sabina Shoal, where they accused China of building an artificial island and causing environmental damage. China denied the accusations and claimed that the Philippines were the ones violating international law by intruding into their territory.

The Philippine Maritime Council reported that Chinese aircraft made unsafe manoeuvres against a civilian aircraft conducting patrols over the Scarborough Shoal and Subi Reef, two other disputed areas. Additionally, China was accused of blocking a routine resupply mission by ramming and using water cannons on a fisheries bureau ship transporting essential supplies for Filipino fishermen. These incidents further escalated tensions between the two nations amid ongoing disputes over maritime territories in the South China Sea.

The Philippines and China have been engaged in territorial disputes over the South China Sea, with both countries claiming sovereignty over various islands and shoals. The Philippines has accused China of aggressive actions, including the building of artificial islands and blocking access to disputed areas, while China has defended its actions as safeguarding its territorial sovereignty. The recent confrontation involving the ramming of a Philippine vessel by a Chinese Coast Guard vessel has raised concerns about escalating tensions and the potential for military conflict in the region.

The international community, including the United States, has condemned China’s actions in the South China Sea and expressed support for the Philippines in upholding international law and maritime rights. The US has called on China to refrain from provocative actions and to respect the sovereignty of other nations in the region. The Philippines has reiterated its commitment to defending its territorial integrity and maritime rights, despite the challenges posed by China’s aggressive actions. The ongoing disputes over the South China Sea remain a key flashpoint in the region, with the potential for further confrontations unless diplomatic solutions are reached to address the underlying issues.

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