Zhanna Nemtsova, the daughter of the late Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov, has announced the creation of a non-profit foundation aimed at helping Russian independent media. She expressed her belief that Russian civil society lacks a “transparent and competitive” donor system. Following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Russian government introduced draconian wartime censorship laws that make it difficult for journalists to report on issues that contradict the Kremlin’s official narrative. This has resulted in the branding of many media outlets and public figures as “foreign agents” or “undesirable organizations,” including The Moscow Times. Independent journalists have been imprisoned or forced to flee abroad, where they face challenges in obtaining residency status and funding.

The Foundation for Democracy and Liberal Values (FDLV) was announced by Nemtsova late Monday, with the aim of providing grants to finance independent media outlets. She highlighted the need for a transparent and competitive donor mechanism within Russian civil society, which would help attract private capital to support civic projects. FDLV receives its funding from an unnamed Russian-born tech entrepreneur, who prefers to keep his identity secret for the time being. The foundation’s website lists Nemtsova as the director of grants management and operations, with Yale graduate student Tanya Kotelnykova serving as the president and executive director. FDLV’s primary focus is on creating a more resilient media ecosystem, and it has opened a call for grant applications until December 1.

The Moscow Times, an independent news outlet, has faced challenges in Russia due to governmental restrictions. The Prosecutor General’s Office has designated The Moscow Times as an “undesirable” organization, criminalizing its work and putting its staff at risk of prosecution. This follows an earlier designation of the outlet as a “foreign agent.” The actions taken against The Moscow Times are seen as direct attempts to silence independent journalism in Russia. The journalists at The Moscow Times refuse to be silenced and continue to strive to provide accurate and unbiased reporting on Russia. They are seeking support from readers to continue their work and defend open, independent journalism in the face of repression.

The situation in Russia has led to a crackdown on independent media outlets and journalists, with many being labeled as “foreign agents” or “undesirable organizations.” Journalists face imprisonment or have been forced to flee the country in order to continue their work. The lack of a transparent and competitive donor mechanism within Russian civil society has limited the ability of independent media to secure funding to support their projects. The creation of the Foundation for Democracy and Liberal Values aims to address this gap by providing grants to finance independent media outlets and create a more resilient media ecosystem.

The Foundation for Democracy and Liberal Values is funded by an unnamed Russian-born tech entrepreneur who has not been involved in systemic support for civil society and media. The decision to keep the donor’s identity secret reflects the challenges faced by those supporting independent journalism in Russia. The foundation, led by Zhanna Nemtsova and Tanya Kotelnykova, is committed to supporting independent media and promoting liberal values in the face of increasing censorship and restrictions. By offering grants to finance independent media outlets, FDLV aims to contribute to a more transparent and competitive donor mechanism within Russian civil society, attracting private capital to support civic projects and promote free expression.

Despite facing challenges and restrictions in Russia, The Moscow Times continues to strive for independent journalism and unbiased reporting on the country. The actions taken against The Moscow Times, including being labeled as an “undesirable” organization, demonstrate the government’s efforts to stifle dissent and silence critical voices. Readers are encouraged to support The Moscow Times to ensure that independent journalism can continue to thrive in Russia. By standing with independent media outlets and journalists, individuals can help defend freedom of the press and promote open, transparent reporting in the face of repression and censorship.

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