Juliet Trnka, CEO of Direct Knowing, advocates for a different approach to business that prioritizes presence over productivity. She believes that the current focus on productivity is actually contributing to overwhelm and burnout in leaders. Trnka emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment to discern what tasks are truly essential, rather than just focusing on completing as many tasks as possible. By investing in presence, leaders can accomplish tasks in a way that contributes to their energy and joy, rather than depleting them.

Trnka challenges the traditional view of productivity, which prioritizes output within a timeframe, by suggesting that leaders should focus on becoming more available and open to the moment. This approach can lead to new insights, opportunities, and ideas, as well as resilience-building and sustainability. By prioritizing quality over quantity, leaders can work with the natural ebbs and flows of time, energy, and resources, rather than trying to control them.

A presence-based approach to business involves more than just taking deep breaths and setting aside thoughts about the past and future. It is about arriving in the present moment and noticing what makes us feel most alive. Trnka suggests that prioritizing activities that bring joy and fulfillment can lead to better outcomes than simply following a to-do list. This transcendent model for success acknowledges the changing landscape of business and encourages leaders to embrace new forms of work, collaboration, and achievement.

Trnka shares three practices that have increased efficiency and quality within her own team. The first practice involves skillfully working with desires and allowing preferences to dictate work schedules and tasks. Secondly, she recommends creating opportunities for creative, collective presence by integrating presence-based practices and opportunities for play within the team. Finally, fostering genuine connection and caring among team members can lead to intrinsic motivation and a greater sense of purpose within the organization. Trnka believes that business can be more than just transactional and that prioritizing presence can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling work experiences.

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