Minister of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, has defended the public prosecutor’s office during meetings with prosecutor associations on Tuesday and Wednesday. Bolaños warned against organized campaigns targeting prosecutors for simply doing their job of pursuing crime and criminals. While he did not mention any specific case of a campaign against prosecutors, his remarks come following criticism of Attorney General Álvaro García Ortiz after an investigation was opened into tax fraud allegations against Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s boyfriend, Alberto González Amador. Hours later, González Amador filed a complaint against the chief prosecutor of Madrid, Pilar Rodríguez, and the chief economic crimes prosecutor, Julián Salto, for revealing secrets regarding the case.

Bolaños reassured the associations of prosecutors that the Ministry of Justice supports the work of the Public Prosecution Service with independence and rigor. He emphasized the importance of defending the Spanish Public Prosecution Service, especially when campaigns are launched against them for simply doing their job of pursuing crime and criminals. Bolaños condemned campaigns targeted at prosecutors, tax agency officials, and even journalists, referring to false accusations made by Ayuso’s chief of staff, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, against journalists from EL PAÍS and for allegedly harassing the neighbors of the Madrid Community President.

The meetings between the minister and prosecutor associations are part of ongoing communication with all legal operators since he took office. Bolaños and the associations agreed that the meetings, held separately with different groups, were cordial and focused on key sector interests such as the new Criminal Procedure Law (Lecrim), which entrusts criminal investigations to prosecutors and is expected to be definitively approved this term. The minister expressed his commitment to defending the crucial role played by the Public Prosecution Service in the judicial system and ensuring the impartiality, independence, and professionalism of prosecutors. He highlighted the creation of 70 new prosecutor positions and the reclassification of 219 third-category prosecutors to second category since he assumed office.

Bolaños’ support for the Public Prosecution Service and commitment to upholding its independence and professionalism were reiterated during the meetings with prosecutor associations. The minister emphasized the importance of the Public Prosecution Service in prosecuting crimes, stating that protecting their impartiality and independence was a priority for him. The actions taken by the government to increase the number of prosecutor positions and improve the quality of the Public Prosecution Service reflect Bolaños’ dedication to enhancing the effectiveness and credibility of the justice system. The meetings aimed to address key issues facing prosecutors and ensure their vital role in enforcing the law is upheld.

In conclusion, the meetings between Minister Félix Bolaños and prosecutor associations highlighted the importance of supporting the Public Prosecution Service and defending their role in pursuing crime and criminals. The minister denounced organized campaigns against prosecutors and reaffirmed his commitment to upholding their impartiality and independence. Bolaños’ efforts to strengthen the Public Prosecution Service by creating new positions and improving their professional standards demonstrate his dedication to enhancing the justice system’s effectiveness. The discussions focused on key sector interests such as the new Criminal Procedure Law and the crucial role of prosecutors in conducting criminal investigations.

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