The Bob Woodruff Foundation, established in 2006 to support post-9/11 veterans and their families, has become a key player in the philanthropic world for those looking to assist military families. With celebrity endorsements, successful fundraising events, and a network of over 100 veterans charities, the foundation has raised $84 million since its inception and continues to attract high-profile donors such as MacKenzie Scott and the Qatar Embassy.

One of the foundation’s unique strategies is its data-driven approach to identify gaps in support for veterans and their families. By surveying its network of veterans charities, including the acquisition of Got Your 6, the foundation can pinpoint areas where government agencies or other grant makers may be falling short. This allows them to focus on issues that are not adequately addressed by existing resources, such as mental health services for children and fertility treatments for veterans struggling with infertility.

The foundation’s partnerships and collaborations play a crucial role in its success. By bringing together policymakers, military families, and experts to discuss specific issues, the foundation is able to identify new grant programs and foster collaboration among organizations. This approach has led to initiatives like the USA Wheelchair Football League, which provides adaptive sports programs for injured veterans and has benefited over 850 athletes and coaches, including 315 veterans since its establishment in 2020.

The foundation’s commitment to addressing the unique and often overlooked needs of military families sets it apart in the philanthropic world. By focusing on specialized areas, such as child care, children’s mental health, and spousal relations, the foundation can have a significant impact on the population they serve. This intentional approach to philanthropy, as described by Council on Foundations President Kathleen Enright, allows organizations to listen better to their grantees and tailor their resources to address specific needs.

Through its innovative programs and collaborative efforts, the Bob Woodruff Foundation continues to make a difference in the lives of veterans and their families. By leveraging its network of charities, celebrity supporters, and high-profile donors, the foundation has established itself as a leader in supporting military families. As they continue to identify and address gaps in services for veterans, the foundation remains dedicated to its mission of ensuring that those who have served our country receive the support they need and deserve.

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