The rise in violence against politicians is a growing concern. Many blame the AfD party for this violence due to their radical policies and divisive rhetoric. However, it is important to note that members of the AfD are often the victims of such attacks. Despite their controversial positions, it is not fair to solely blame the party for the societal polarization and increased violence. The recent attack on an AfD lawmaker in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a reminder of the ongoing issue.

It is dangerous to assign blame solely to the AfD for the escalating violence in society. While some politicians have pointed to statements made by AfD leaders as fueling aggression, it is essential to look at the statistics which show that most attacks target AfD politicians, followed by members of the Green Party. Therefore, attributing all blame to one political party for the current state of affairs is overly simplistic and fails to address the complexity of the situation.

The tendency to partially blame victims who belong to opposing political factions is a troubling trend, as seen in the aftermath of the attack on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. The media coverage suggested that both the victim and the perpetrator had contributed to the polarisation in society, which is a dangerous narrative. Regardless of political affiliation, all individuals deserve dignity and respect, and violence should never be justified or excused based on one’s political beliefs.

The issue of escalating political tensions is not one-sided, as the actions of left-wing groups also contribute to polarization and radicalization. While advocating for diversity and tolerance, some left-wing groups demonstrate intolerance towards dissenting opinions and fail to engage in civil discourse. It is crucial for all sides to uphold principles of respect, tolerance, and non-violence, regardless of political differences. The presence of the AfD should not serve as an excuse to abandon these values.

In conclusion, assigning all blame to the AfD for the increase in violence against politicians is simplistic and dangerous. It is essential to consider all factors contributing to the polarisation in society, including the actions of left-wing groups. Regardless of political affiliation, all individuals deserve respect and dignity, and violence should never be tolerated or justified. Upholding principles of tolerance, respect, and non-violence is crucial in fostering a peaceful and inclusive society.

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