In 2017, a meme featuring Christian Langalis, also known as the “Bitcoin Sign Guy,” holding up a “Buy Bitcoin” sign during Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen’s Congressional testimony went viral. Now, Langalis is auctioning off the exact same Bitcoin sign that he held up on a yellow legal pad behind Yellen. The sign has been described as one of the few widely recognized physical Bitcoin artifacts, as Bitcoin is a virtual currency. The sign has become beloved by Bitcoin enthusiasts and has inspired countless memes and imitation stunts. Yellen has been vocal in her criticism of Bitcoin, making the sign’s appearance during her testimony particularly notable.

During Yellen’s testimony in 2017, Langalis held up the sign, causing a spokesperson for the House Financial Services committee to state that displaying signs during a hearing is against the rules and that Langalis was asked to leave, which he did. Since then, Langalis has gained fame for his stunt and has expressed that he believes other Bitcoin enthusiasts would have done the same in his position. He views the impact of the sign and the subsequent memes generated by the Bitcoin community as a collaborative effort beyond his own actions. The message of the “Buy Bitcoin” sign was subversive in 2017 but is now seen as a statement of the growing influence of Bitcoin in the financial world.

In 2017, Bitcoin’s value was between $1,000 and $1,200 but has since increased significantly to around $69,000. The auction for the iconic “Buy Bitcoin” sign is set to begin on April 18th, with the auction ending on April 24th at 7 pm ET. Langalis views the auction as a way to liberate the sign from his own possession and offer it back to the Bitcoin community. He believes that the sign’s message was groundbreaking at the time but is now a clear indication of Bitcoin’s rising importance. The auction provides an opportunity for Bitcoin enthusiasts to own a physical piece of Bitcoin history.

The “Buy Bitcoin” sign has been a significant symbol of Bitcoin’s entrance into mainstream finance since it was held up during Yellen’s testimony in 2017. Langalis’s action of raising the sign while Yellen spoke out against audits of the Fed became a viral moment, leading to widespread recognition of the sign and its message. The impact of the sign has been lasting, as it continues to be celebrated by the Bitcoin community through memes and derivative works. Yellen’s criticism of Bitcoin has only further amplified the significance of the sign’s appearance during her testimony.

Langalis’s decision to auction off the iconic “Buy Bitcoin” sign represents a turning point in the sign’s journey from a spontaneous gesture during a congressional hearing to a sought-after collector’s item. As Bitcoin’s value has surged in recent years, so too has the interest in owning physical memorabilia related to the digital currency. The auction allows individuals to participate in owning a piece of Bitcoin history and celebrates the innovative spirit that led to the creation of the sign. Langalis’s decision to part with the sign reflects a desire to share its legacy with the wider Bitcoin community and to acknowledge the collaborative effort that propelled the sign to fame in the first place.

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