Don McLean, known for his iconic hit “American Pie,” was born on October 2, 1945, in New Rochelle, New York. He developed an interest in music at a young age, spending hours listening to the radio and records. McLean decided to pursue a career in music at the age of 15 and made sure to earn a college degree, graduating from Iona College with a major in finance and a minor in philosophy. In 1969, he released his first album, “Tapestry,” which received good reviews and some commercial success, transforming him from an unknown to an underground sensation.

In 1971, McLean reached super stardom with the release of his second studio album, “American Pie.” The title track, a folk-rock anthem, hit No. 1 on the Billboard chart in 1972 after spending eight weeks on the charts. The song, a cultural touchstone about the loss of innocence of the early rock ‘n’ roll generation, held the record for nearly half a century until Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well (10 Minute Version)” surpassed it in 2021. “American Pie” received four Grammy nominations and was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002. McLean has earned over 40 gold and platinum records worldwide and was inducted into the Songwriters’ Hall of Fame in 2004.

Aside from “American Pie,” McLean is also known for hits such as “Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)” and “Crying.” Many top singer-songwriters have covered his songs, including Madonna, who recorded a cover of “American Pie” that topped the charts in the U.K. and reached the U.S. top-30. McLean’s music has continued to have staying power and he remains a respected figure in the music industry. He has been touring as part of his “American Pie” 50th anniversary celebration, which has now exceeded the 50-year mark.

Throughout his career, McLean has been recognized for his talent and contribution to music. He has received numerous accolades, including multiple gold and platinum records worldwide, Grammy nominations, and induction into the Songwriters’ Hall of Fame. His songs have been covered by various artists, further solidifying his impact on the music industry. Despite the passing of legendary figures like Buddy Holly and Tom Clancy on other notable dates in history, McLean’s legacy continues to endure through his timeless music and enduring influence on future generations of musicians.

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