Bill Maher’s new book, “What This Comedian Said Will Shock You,” is an anthology of his editorials from his TV shows over the past 20 years. Maher wanted to create an encyclopedia of his best work and also reflect on whether he or the politics had changed over time as accusations of him making more fun of the left were leveled at him. Maher, a lifelong Democrat, explained that he calls out the left more because of what he sees as identity politics, super-sensitivity, victim culture, cancel culture, and hostility to free speech on that side.

In the book, Maher discusses various issues he feels he was prophetic about, such as marijuana reform, the problems with the food industry, and the idea that college has become a scam. He also addresses the prevalence of self-esteem in children and the impacts it has on their behavior. Maher believes that college should be unnecessary for most jobs rather than making it affordable for everyone, as many Democrats suggest. He also expresses his hope for a pendulum shift back towards normalcy to counteract the fringe extremism seen in various aspects of society.

Maher touches on the political divide in the United States and expresses concern about the potential for a civil war in the country. He emphasizes the need to respect differing political opinions and not let hatred for a particular leader or party extend to everyone who supports them. Maher highlights what he sees as bad ideas coming from the left, such as abolishing the police, embracing communism, and tearing down historical statues. He believes that these extreme ideas are pushing people towards supporting individuals like Donald Trump as an alternative.

The overarching message Maher hopes readers will take away from his book is the need to come together and unite as a country. He warns that the United States is at risk of falling like the Roman Empire if the divisions between Americans continue to grow. Maher stresses the importance of finding common ground and not letting political differences lead to hatred and division. He urges people to remember the unity in the United States and work towards bridging the gaps that currently exist in society. Maher’s book serves as a reflection on the current state of politics and society and a call to action for a more united and understanding future.

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