Bill Gates recently recommended a book called “Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (And Why That’s a Good Thing)” by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy. In the book, Khan discusses how AI technology can improve the quality of education students receive around the world. Gates believes that AI-powered systems like ChatGPT, which powers Khanmigo, have the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and teach by assisting teachers and tailoring lessons to individual students. Gates has previously praised AI tutoring for its ability to help close the education gap, particularly for low-income students in developing countries.

Although Khan Academy has rolled out Khanmigo to over 65,000 students, the AI tutoring program is still in an experimental phase and has received criticism for making math errors. Some experts, like child psychologist Tovah Klein, advise parents to remain cautious about embracing AI for their children’s education. They suggest using AI tools alongside children to teach them how to fact-check in real-time. Despite these challenges, Gates remains optimistic about the potential for AI to transform global education in the coming decade as the technology continues to improve.

Gates believes that over the next ten years, AI tools have the potential to both close the education gap and raise the overall level of achievement for students, particularly those from lower-income and minority backgrounds. As AI technology advances, Gates sees the opportunity for these new tools to make a significant impact on education globally. He is enthusiastic about the potential for AI to be a game-changer in education and is hopeful for the positive impact it can have on students around the world.

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Overall, Bill Gates’ support for AI in education highlights the potential for technology to enhance learning outcomes for students worldwide. While there are challenges and criticisms to address, the promise of AI tutoring and other tools to close the education gap and improve student achievement is a compelling vision for the future of education. As AI continues to evolve and improve, it will be interesting to see how these advancements can be harnessed to create positive change in global education systems.

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