Pello Otxandiano Kanpo has been chosen as the candidate of EH Bildu for lehendakari in the upcoming Basque elections in 2024. The party’s political leadership has made this decision, and now the membership must confirm it. EH Bildu is opting for a new generation leader without direct ties to the past terrorist activities. Arnaldo Otegi has presented him as “a qualitative investment”, highlighting Otxandiano’s passion for change and for reclaiming the country’s desired future. The exact date for the elections has not been set yet, but Otxandiano is being positioned as the head of the independentist campaign.

Pello Otxandiano, a 40-year-old from Otxandio, Bizkaia, holds a Ph.D. in Telecommunications Engineering. He has been deeply involved in Sortu, the core party of EH Bildu, serving on the leadership since its refoundation in 2016. He later moved on to the EH Bildu leadership as program director, and is considered one of Otegi’s close advisors on matters such as the environment, energy, and education. He is known as one of the party’s key ideologists, advocating for EH Bildu to increase its institutional presence in various areas.

Otegi had previously mentioned the need for EH Bildu to undergo a renewal process. Otxandiano, as part of the new generation of abertzale leaders, did not have organizational responsibilities during ETA’s terrorist period. Elected as a councilor in 2011, the same year ETA ceased its armed activities, he has since devoted himself to internal party matters. In his most recent role, he has been involved in negotiating a new Education law in the Basque Parliament, which will be passed despite the opposition of the independentists. Otxandiano’s selection as lehendakari candidate reflects EH Bildu’s strategy to have a seasoned politician at the forefront, guiding the party through significant decisions.

In addition to ratifying the lehendakari candidate, EH Bildu’s Political Committee will also present the choice for the candidate to preside over the Basque Parliament and lead the parliamentary group in the upcoming term to the party members. Otegi emphasized the importance of this team to shape the future Basque political landscape, characterized by what he described as a tired government, alliance politics, and outdated political models. Otxandiano is set to challenge the PNV for leadership in the Basque Country, with EH Bildu gaining ground in recent polls and elections.

EH Bildu’s new candidate is described as deeply connected to the Basque national and social process, with a strong commitment to the promotion of the Basque language. His family history, marked by tragedy during the Spanish Civil War, has influenced his political views and activism. Otxandiano aims to combine his technological expertise with a political vision, utilizing disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain in public policies to drive social and economic transformation. He is also a music enthusiast, currently learning to play the piano, and enjoys activities like mountain hiking and reading.

As the race for the Basque presidency heats up, with candidates from the PNV, PSE-EE, and PP already announced, Otxandiano’s nomination signals EH Bildu’s determination to challenge the incumbent party’s dominance. Despite trailing the PNV in recent municipal and regional elections, EH Bildu’s presence and influence have been steadily growing. Otxandiano’s leadership qualities, combined with his dedication to advancing the Basque cause, position him as a key player in reshaping the region’s political landscape. As the electoral campaign unfolds, all eyes will be on EH Bildu’s new candidate and the vision he brings to the future of the Basque Country.

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