Israeli aid trucks delivering crucial humanitarian aid enter Gaza as tensions rise between Israel and international aid workers. A total of 322 trucks entered Gaza on Sunday, the highest number since the war began, with 228 of them carrying food. This increase in aid deliveries comes after seven aid workers with World Conflict Kitchen were killed in Israeli air strikes, including one American citizen, prompting the White House to call for steps to address civilian harm and aid worker safety.

The pressure to protect aid workers intensified after Israel apologized for the deaths of the World Conflict Kitchen workers and dismissed two senior officers over the mistaken strike. Prime Minister Netanyahu promised to prevent similar tragedies in the future, while celebrity chef José Andrés demanded an independent investigation into the attack. More than 220 international aid workers have been killed in Gaza since the war began, prompting calls for further investigations into their deaths.

Despite the record number of aid trucks entering Gaza on Sunday, aid shipments have faced obstacles during the conflict. Far-right Israeli activists have disrupted aid convoys, and members of Netanyahu’s government have intervened to block shipments, such as a shipment of flour bound for Gaza from the U.S. The reopening of the Erez Crossing and the announcement to allow aid shipments through the port of Ashdod are seen as positive steps towards ensuring aid reaches those in need in Gaza.

The international community continues to apply pressure on Israel to protect aid workers and civilians in Gaza. President Biden had a tense conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu, leading to the reopening of the Erez Crossing and increased aid shipments. However, calls for independent investigations into the deaths of aid workers remain, with U.N. Secretary-General Guterres demanding answers as to why each worker was killed. The Israeli government faces scrutiny over its treatment of aid workers and civilians in Gaza.

The situation in Gaza remains dire, with the war taking a toll on the civilian population. The delivery of humanitarian aid is crucial to alleviate the suffering of those in Gaza, and the record number of trucks entering on Sunday is a positive development. The need for accountability for the deaths of aid workers and civilians is paramount, and the international community will continue to pressure Israel to ensure the safety and well-being of those in need in Gaza.

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